Rediff Logo World Cup 99
April 30, 1999

Forum subject -- Celebrating Sachin: The Prem Panicker column

Celebrating Sachin:
Hirdepal S. Bhangu: Prem, You've done hit it right one the head. Sachin is the greatest right now, and he'll be remembered as one of best batsman there was in world. "burst the Sachin bubble" was really bad taste article to write on "Little Masters' bithday.

Celebrating Sachin:
Ashok: Excellent. Simply excellent. i cant find words more tahn this.

Celebrating Sachin:
Shyam: A simply superb article.

Celebrating Sachin:
Devendra Shastri: : Very well written. One point Arvind had missed was Sachin's stats in last two-three years. Unbelievable. The number of centuries, half centuries the Man of the Match awards, Wickets, you name it. It took him considerable number of ODIs to score first century but then what ? Explosion! If you see from his stats/age ratio, you will agree that as he is maturing, his stay at the wicket and runs are increasing. I guess the bubble Arvind is talking about is not Sachin's ability to score, but his inability to score big (double-triple century). I am very sure he will burst this bubble very soon. Ciao.

Celebrating Sachin:
adi: : Excellent breakdown of the original article. Nice to see someone see' things as they are, not needing staistical data to support every theory.

Celebrating Sachin:
Kaushik Pal: Wonderful, wonderful rejoinder to Arvind's article. It couldn't have been written any better. Sitting halfway around the globe, I was misty-eyed reading and recollecting these cricketing incidents. -Kaushik Pal

Celebrating Sachin:
Jaideep: : Exceptional article!

Celebrating Sachin:
Ninaad Joshi: Absolutely fantastic column. I think this is one of the best written columns I have read at this site.

Celebrating Sachin:
vimal: simply great. u gotta sit in loksabha sire.

Celebrating Sachin:
A Bhattacharjya: Superb article! Excellent writing. This is the standard all journalists should look up to. Very balanced viewpoint. Well done!

Celebrating Sachin:
Sriram: Great article and a fitting reply to Arvind..Well done!!

Celebrating Sachin:
Kishore: Excellent article ! Enjoyed it a lot.

Guest column -- Tendulkar's turn at bat:
Gaurav Verma: Hi Prem: Guest coulmn is a good idea - but articles like the one above are ridiculous. There is no new analytical insight, no news, or wit - ofcource the problem is there is no way to know this in advance - anyways I think you guys need to excersize better editorial control - take care. Gaurav.

Celebrating Sachin: Get a life: and if this is your ife, I feel sorry for you.

Celebrating Sachin:
Prasanna S: Hi Prem, What a fitting reply to the most ridiculous use of statistics. I feel that this article came in just about the right time when the Indian team needed the moral boost rather than the feeling that Sachin is no good or Azhar is worse than Jadeja... I would like to add something to the last statement you made... If it were possible to invent a Tendulkar for cricket, would it be possible to invent Tendulkars in every field and make India the best in the world in all the fields, why restrict ourselves only to cricket?

Celebrating Sachin:
Vijay Vaidyanathan: Dear Prem, Your article was a good rejoinder to the one written by Mr. Lavakare. We Indians have this remarkable quality of running down the very few heroes that we have in our lives. Under the guise of being objective we take special delight in bringing down people who fill us with joy and pride. Tendulkar is one such person. Certainly he is no Bradman, and for all his destructive powers as a batsman, he needs to add the dimensions of patience and staying power from Gavaskar's book. In all out analyses of him, we forget that he is only 26, as you pointed out. He has been playing since he was 16. What more do we want him to achieve? He has already achieved enough to walk into cricket's hall of fame.

Prem, in your article you focussed on ODIs. I would like to point his test record also. He has scored well in all test playing countries. Some of his knocks have come about in adverse circumstances. His 59 in the debut series in Pak, which helped draw the test, 119* at Lord's that again saved the test(at the age of 17), his 148 at sydney, and a magnificent 114 at Perth. When he scored his 100, people like Merv Hughes and Dean Jones came running from their boundary positions to congratulate him. There are other knocks like his 80 vs West Indies at Bombay which helped win the test. For each of Mr. Lavakare's chosen statistics, one can provide stats of sachin's accomplishments.

He is by no means perfect, that would have to apply to the one and only Bradman. But he is getting there. What is more important, for one who is so supremely gifted, he is so humble. Mr. Lavakare's article, rather its tone was ill-timed, coinciding as it was with sachin's birthday. In my opinion it was in bad taste. On the other hand, I hope that this was just an attempt by Mr. Lavakare to spur sachin on for the world cup. Regards, vijay

Celebrating Sachin:
Hitendra Gupta: I was really disturbed when I read Arvind's article and wanted to give a fitting reply to it. This article is written using both heart and mind. Point by Point Prem has tried to clear the confusion created by Arvind. It is not like he is trying to get at Arvind. He is trying to show the complete picture to somebody who is living in the world of his own convictions. I was really sad - how rediff could publish such an article about Tendulkar who never cared about these things. It is the media who has thrust all the comparisons on him and is using it for their own ends. Kudos to Prem for this wonderful article (perhaps the best sports article in recent times),

Celebrating Sachin:
Sanjay Raj: Keep it Up. What I thought Arvinds's should have been aimed was not to deify Sachin. He is an Excellent player and has the country's interests before his -- But let us not start comparing Thx.

Celebrating Sachin:
Shrikant: Excellent article Prem. One of the best that I have ever read. But you missed oned thing. You should have told off Arvind Lavakare in no uncertain words. He started writing about cricket in Loksatta or Maharastra Times around late 60s. He is no cricket writer. He does not have a clue. He is typical know all who knows nothing. He should thank Sachin to allow him to write about him, good or bad. Ask him to go to Wankhede stadium with all 50,000 going Sachin,Sachin. Ask him to visit Australia where Australian boys carry placards with Tendulkar on it and keep changing it to 'Elevendulakr', 'twelvedulakr' and so on till he gets out. Ask him to ask Ian Smith ( ex NZ wicketkeeper- this info is for Arvind's sake because his stats won't tell him that ) of the innings of 84 ( of 42 balls ) that Sachin played in Auckland. If anything Arvind Lavakare should be prosecuted for misuse of journalistic freedom and for hurting the feelings of true cricket lovers. The book on Stats that I read ( D N Elhance, if I remember right ), stated in its preface - Statistics, lies , lies and damn lies. It is only after another 25 years I realise that those comments included Arvind Lavakare as well. Thank you Prem for protecting our pride in Sachin. Shrikant

Celebrating Sachin:
vajpayee: fantastic...fabulous...marvalous...I could add a list of such adjectives to this mail. It was really a delight to read the counter statistics given my prem for every of those s****d stastistics given by arvind. Its a fact that sachin is the best cricketer in this cricket era(or should I call it sachin era). No statistics can disprove it.

Celebrating Sachin:
Shailendra: Many thanks for replying to his irresponsible article.

Celebrating Sachin:
Girish Venkat: Interesting article! I had responded to Arvind's article saying, "The article is not in good taste. Sachin is a classy batsman, but he is not definetely a match winner like Lara, Miandad or Border. I believe it is true. I assume, only match winner India had were KapilDev and Ravi Shastri (surprising, huh!) to a certain extent when he was at his peak!

I like your articles a lot! You can take it as complements.

Match Winners! That should make an interesting article! What do you think?

Celebrating Sachin:
Rajesh Khandelwal: Prem and Arvind,

This seems to be you personal battle. Don't drag Bradman, Sunny and Sachin in that. We all know what they are. We expect much better articals from you. How Indian team is doing in England while adjusting to the climate.

Please stop this.

Celebrating Sachin:
Rajinder: Watching Tendulkar play in the Chennai test I was reminded of a quote someone said about Michael Jordan when he scored 63 points in a game and his team still lost. He said "God himself came down and played as Michael Jordan tonight". That's exactly how I felt that day about Sachin Tendulkar. It was a superhuman effort and anybody who puts it down has to be very very narrow minded.

Friends God himself played as Sachin that day.

Celebrating Sachin:
amit: Great article!!!!

Celebrating Sachin:
Manas: Bravo !! Along with Rohit Brijnath, I put you right up there as the best sports writer I have had the pleasure of reading. Keep it up.

Celebrating Sachin:
Jayant Manohar: Prem,

Very true. Such statistical comparisons are absolutely non-sense to my mind. It can prove or disprove both ways.

However, when I read Arvind's article I thought he is trying to bring to the foreground the massive power Tendulkar has. And do not think it was meant to hurt you or Tendulkar. Such kind of comparisons sometimes fires you up and you get commited to do something. However, it is very delicate and you do not know if it could bring up a negative effect.

Knowing Tendulkar (Well I do not know him personally but one can see his temparament in the field and judge the iron-man in him) it is highly unlikely that he would mind Arvind's remarks a bit. I am sure he will do his duty with full force and honesty. The bottom line is "Tendulkar is our nuclear power waiting to explode" and I am sure he will do so when most needed (I mean, Most tough times)

Sachin, just read these article and let it not bothor you one way or the other


Celebrating Sachin:
Kaustubh Dixit: Excellent Column Prem. Put things into perspective. Cheers, Kaustubh Dixit

Celebrating Sachin:
Haresh shanischara: Prem, Yes, this is only the answer to that article Keep it up...

Celebrating Sachin:
Ravi Aron: A Daniel. A Daniel come to Judge.

Celebrating Sachin:
Rajesh Shastri: One of the best columns I have ever read. That guy (Arvind something) deserves it. Some people like him are never satisfied in life. They have to crib about something to get attention.

Thanks Prem for reminding all of us what a great player Sachin is and how we should admire his efforts and not harp about the few failures.

Celebrating Sachin:
karthick: Hats off. One of the best articles that I have read since the recent past.

Sachin versus Bradman:
Rajesh Tomar: Arvind, why dont you give up writing and start boot polishing Regards

Celebrating Sachin:
Siddiq: Mr. Paniker: Why not stick to your point rather than lecturing someone publicly on how he erred so much. People can make their own decision based on what they read from both of you. Take it easy.

Celebrating Sachin:
Prasanna Coimbatore: Very good article by Prem Panicker. I also read the article by Arvind Lavakare on Sachin. Atleast now Arvind Lavakare will understand how much he was wrong about Sachin. Thanks Prem for a wonderful reply.

Please acknowledge my feedback.

The funny side of cricket :
Mazoo: You know how we Indians are renowned for rolling over and playing dead when it comes to sledging? Well, during the 91-92 Australian tour, Mike Whitney didn't miss an over to tell Ravi Shastri what he thought of his lineage. In the course of Shastri's marathon innings at Sydney, Whitney paid him the utimate compliment by dropping him. Shastri, ever the opportunist, told Whitney:"If you f....... fielded as well as you f....... spoke, then maybe you wouldn't have dropped that f....... catch!!!"

Celebrating Sachin:
Anup Devidas: Kudos to Prem . Three cheers . Sachin deserves this . This is the true B'day present to that great hero of our hearts . You really have done a tremendous job Prem . And all of us (cricket fans rather than Sachin fans alone!!) are thankful to you to have made proud to all of us my removing those black spots from cricket . Thanks again for coming out with this great reply sir . Anup.

Celebrating Sachin:
herman: qwe@drg.wer: Fantastico.......

Celebrating Sachin:
Mahendra: I didn't get a chance to read Arvind's article, although I heard a lot about it from friends. With no personal affront to Arvind, I think he still has time to come out in the open & admit that what he did was a mere attention grabbing tactic. Unfortunately,such tactics give a whole new meaning to the word "prostitution"

Sachin versus Bradman:
herman: werw@wew.aew: stop talking crap

Celebrating Sachin:
Kedar Kshirsagar: Excellent reply, Prem. Sachin is worlds best batsman and I am a proud Indian to have seen his superb performances. In fact this summer I am travelling from US to India with the sole purpose of supporting India win their seccond woprld cup and cherish this golden moment with my freinds. Good Luck to every indian anywhere in world

Celebrating Sachin:
Deshraj: Every one knows how good a playeer sachin is,I really doubt if any one took that article(didnt bother to see who wrote it) seriously.That was an article by a frustrated man suffering from inferiority complex who gets satisfaction by critisising famous people,didnt think that deserved such a long reply from you:)

Celebrating Sachin:
Sudhakar G: Prem, I think you were a bit too harsh on Arvind's artcile. A true cricket lover would never ever try to compare the greats of different eras. But, believe me, there are lots of Indians who do think that Tendulkar is the best the world has ever seen. The article by Arvind seemed to have been targeted only to "that" particular group. The point emphasized was that Sachin was, afterall, human. I do agree that the statistics used were too one sided, but if u can look ahead of that, the article did have a message.

Celebrating Sachin:
sukanta: Hi! Prem, In my view both 'bursting..' and 'celebrating..' are disgusting articles which does not help our cricket or cricketers. If Mr. Lavakare wanted to free the Indian mind from the pathetic over dependence on a single player he completely failed to do so by selecting Sachin's birth day of all the days in a year. He made it appear more of anti-sachin than helping the sick mind which drops the sword if Sachin is not there. In other countries people encourage their players, try to boost their self esteem and help them overcome their shortcomings. Arvind did everything negative on our heroes birth day. And what about you. Your opening statement promised Lavakare a rejoinder even before he bursts the buble. How did you know he was going to write some thing like this? In your effort to attack and disprove Lavakare you made yourself biased and blind to true criticisms which can help Sachin improve. You helped the meek Indian attitude of there is no hope for India without Sachin.

I would request you guys to be objective. We don't want our heroes to be discouraged. At the same tme we don't want to deceive ourselves by not covering the unpleasant truth. I hope you have read the the statement made by Rahul Dravid in his latest interview. He says Indians are over dependent on Sachin and he is not ashamed of admitting it. What can be more pathetic for Indian cricket than its No. 3 bats man treating another Indian batsman something like a god. And if you want to open the eyes of these guys, I believe the 1st thing you have to do is to burst that Sachin tendulkar myth( which Lavakare termed as buble). In the process you have the risk of not doing it perfectly. I hope Lavakare has done this, because that is acceptable. But not on his birthday.

Celebrating Sachin:
A A: Thanks Prem, That was the much needed artical. You can't go on comparing greats based on just numbers! It would be very insulting to either of them. Its not just Sachin's batting or bowling that matters, its his presence on the field which, changes a lot of things. I believe that is just not my opinion. All the players in opposing teams will agree, won't they? -A

Celebrating Sachin:
Agam Sharda: very impassioned and sentimental message, PP. But I agree 100% with you. Forget comparisons and revel in the glory that Sachin brings to the country.

Celebrating Sachin:
Nilesh Kamdar: Hi Prem. cldn't have said it better myself. Good article. keep it up. Nilesh

Celebrating Sachin:
Subramaniam D S.: Mr. Arvind, instead of wasting your time trying to disprove somebody like Sachin who has achieved things in life at a very young age (when you might have been struggling to figure out a stable career) and brought/brings/will bring pride to the country, try to disprove people who are so called guardians of the country, scraping away all the money from the pockets of the poor and the needy, from people who have given there life for a few hundred rupees a month. Let alone people, even animals that lack the so called six sense that man (possesses), have not been spared. Use your pen to restore the lost pride of the country in the modern world from the likes of the laloo (the pan wala), Jaya (Soorpanaka), Dr. Swamy (man with no self-respect), et al., still hanging on to their so called throne, robbing even your very own wallet in some way or the other.

Prem kudoos to you on this article, but still their is no point in arguing with people who right for the sake of writing, even experienced ones at that.

Prem , (a request from a worried Indian), please pen with as much statistics as possible to make sure how much the people of the country are voting without any sense, try to bail out the country with the numbers and facts you have used to disprove all these monsters/monsteress of modern India.

Hoping that this election would bring in a stable government with least number of self-centered monsters.

Thank You. Jai Hind.

Celebrating Sachin:
Sharath: *Clap*Clap* Time someone burst the Arvind Lavakare bubble and stop the decline in sports journalism. Kudos Prem

Celebrating Sachin:
anoop: Wow!!man!!That was good retort! Cool...dude

Celebrating Sachin:
Saurabh Kshirsagar: Thanks a lot, I almost started believing whatever Arvind said in his column. Because I was not having the memory and the statistics that you provided. Really, how statistics can change a prince to a pauper and vice versa dependeng on the way they are presented.

Celebrating Sachin: : This is a pathetic display of two crusty people having a go at each other on a non-issue. I agree with the sentiment that Sachin has got to one of the best players to ever play the game and that is good enough for me. I don't need a 500 word essay to "prove" the fact. What is most pathetic is that this war of words needs to take place in public forums and bore the hell of the rest of us. Desist from sermonizing. This is not why we visit your columns every day. Sridhar Rajan

Celebrating Sachin:
Ashok B: Excellent article or response, shall i say, from Prem.Hope it clears all the "dark clouds of ignorance and one-sided feelings" over Arvind Lavakare's head. Prem has said what millions of Indians feel about Sachin and the pride we carry to have the best batsman ever, in our country.

And by the way whoever compared Sachin and the Don for Arvind to come up with such a article.... well atleast he required this eye-opener from Prem. Thanks again Prem for the rescue..

Celebrating Sachin:
Balaji: While the passionate reply of Prem does stir one's heart, I guess Arvind's attempt to make all other to rise to the occasion too, should not be missed. After all, a World Cup would bring in infinitely more passion with it, and the only way to achieve it to play as ONE TEAM. Rgds, Balaji

Celebrating Sachin:
Ravi: This is an appeal to all people to stop comparing Tendulkar with Bradman. If you cant resist comparing Tendulkar with someone do it with Gavaskar, Border, Miandad, Richards or even Gooch and Gower.

Statistics are not entirely reliable but they throw more light than anything else. Azhar has a Test batting avg of around 45 and Tendular has around 54 and still no one deems Azhar fit enough to be comapared with Tendulkar. And now you know Bradman's is 99.94!

Celebrating Sachin:
Ajit: You Kickass Panicker! Arvind sucks...

Celebrating Sachin:
Mahesh Konduru: jeezo man ! Mr. Panicker take it easy will ya'? What is with this meticulous retort to the article by the other guy? As much time as he took to write his article, seemingly you have taken a century to write this. .And what is the deal with the both of you about Sachin's birthday-he "bursts" your bubble on a day and you remember it as Sachin's b'day -vow !-that personal is it ? sounds like two high school kids rubbing each other's egos. Mahesh

Celebrating Sachin:
Kumaran: Dear Prem, Your article made a good reading. But it was not a matter of "pride" that was under scrutiny. There is not an iota of doubt about Sachin's abilites and efforts though Arvind Lavakare's article "may" have sounded so. And also your "elobrate" way of describing statistics was also amusing but more of a taunt. But then how do you compare 2 players playing the same game and are excellent in the same dept. It is not wrong to compare and statistics is only an indication, not the "only" parameter to judge a player. So "maybe" what Arvind was trying to point out was that we should not create unneccessary hype about Sachin's ability for his talents are very obvious to every cricket fan and experts alike (though I'm sure his article did not really sound that way). I'm sure you may not have dedicated your columns for Shane Warne or Saqlain Mushtaq the same way you dedicated for Sachin. I just want to remind you it was not a question of "patriotism"(the way your article ended) but it was "sporting personalities" at comparison. I expected a better argument from a "bright young cricket correspondent". But I'm disappointed.

Celebrating Sachin:
abc: prem. hats of to you man if i could see this LAVAKARE personally i would have... there and then itself once again hats of to you for this rejoinder

Celebrating Sachin:
This dramatic deification of Tendulkar is what has made the team dependent upon him, and has reasonably killed the fighting and "team" spirit from the minds of the players.

In fact, just like you have mentioned that Tendulkar has won us matches, I can say that even Srinath and Kumble have won us matches - not by their bowling, but by their batting. Should we, thus, deify Srinath and Kumble as dependable match-winners too ?

You are incredibly unreasonable, as always, Panicker !

Celebrating Sachin:
Harish Sankaran: Dear Mr. Prem Panicker,

Fantastic ! This article of yours is too good for my words to describe.

The best I could say is that I see a "Tendulkar" (read attitude, passion, desire) in your writing.

Hats off !! Amazing stuff.


Celebrating Sachin:
Subbs: This sort of exchange is what I term a total waste of cyberspace. Fortunately no trees had to be hacked down for this. IT was silly in the first place for this Anand person to go into a statistical comparison, then to have you Prem do a rejoinder is inane and schoolboyish. Refrain rom this sort of thing, please. You are too good a writer to bother with such chaff. Subbu

Sachin versus Bradman:
Karthik: Arvind, You just suck big time. We have seen both Sachin and Sunil. Gavaskar acknowledges that Sachin is a better bat. So does Sir Don. ... Karthik

Celebrating Sachin:
Wilson: completely bowled by your piece...very very heart touching.

Celebrating Sachin:
srinu: Good one. I loved it. Mr Arvind, please don't write another column for god sake.

Celebrating Sachin:
prasad: : excellent reply!

Celebrating Sachin:
Raj: One hell of an article!!! way to go, Prem!

Celebrating Sachin:
Deo: Always great !! keep it up prem.. you too have more fans than you can imagine...

Celebrating Sachin:
Kishore: An apt reply. Thank you rediff for finding this man, hes a Tendulkar among Indian writers about cricket. For once i thought there was nobody who could see things straight. thanks Panicker, keep it up.

Celebrating Sachin: Celebrating Sachin Tendulkar: Thank you Prem Panicker for writting this article and tearing Mr. Arvind's article to pieces. Somebody needs to do that to a piece of garbage written by him. And you are correct people like Sachin and Leander are the guys who have given back our passion our pride. Once again Kudos to you.

Celebrating Sachin:
Dhurandhar Bhatwadekar: Prem, Thanks for rejoinder. In his first article on rediff Arvind said that he will write only on indian politics. Why he is back writing on cricket which he said he is tired of writing. some cheap publicity. This article was not expected from a person like arvind. this article suits in a now defunct marathi weekly 'saptahik shree'. cheap thrills. I even think this WAS a flame bait from him . He better not dare with another senseless rejoinder to u.

Does not he know Sachin is a light unlike his politics world full of baseless, senseless, third class sonias, jaylaitas, lalools and mulla-ums ? tell him go to khandala. take some rest.

Inspector Dhurandhar Bhatwadekar

Celebrating Sachin:
Sharat: Prem, What a fitting reply to statistical nonsense. I can't understand how brains of people like Arvind work?? good job, Sharat

Celebrating Sachin:
Sudeep Pattnaik: The most befitting reply to Mr. Arvind. He deserves this one.

Celebrating Sachin:
Pinaka Karry: Ultimate, Excellent, Glorious, Beautiful....i was very excited to see this sort of reply to the article by Arvind. Thanks prem..Tendlkar is NOT JUST A BATSMAN.

Celebrating Sachin:
Yahoo: That was too cool!!!!

Celebrating Sachin:
al morwale: There could not be a befetting and better reply to Mr.Arvind Lavakare's rediculous article in Rediff . I stay in the U.S and people from Australia and New Zealand as well as U.K who work with me here talk of Sachin's prowess and wish that the Indian team visits their countries more often so that they can watch Sachin bat. Sachin has been an ambassador to the world for promoting cricket. Mr.Lavakare should not be allowed to write such articles in Rediff that make the most ardent fans of cricket and readers of Rediff ON LINE disgusted.

Celebrating Sachin: Prayag: Excellent Prembhai, while i was reading article you reminded me that great series and great games by "LITTLE MASTER", I wasnt fortunate to see it live, but when i saw the recording of it in usa, i was thrilled, and proud, he is the one who will get us through World Cup. it was wonderfull answer to Arvindbhai's colum, i dont understand that how can you not be a proud of "SACHIN TENDULKAR",when you're true Indian

Celebrating Sachin:
: : I dont really welcome anyone writing on both Politics and Cricket. (AL has done it). I'm not commenting on the matter. But, just that nobody is *THAT* great. Kindly stick to either Politics or Cricket to make your comments have some value.

Celebrating Sachin:
krishna: It was "Pokharan" of an article!!! '3'cheers to Prem... krishna

Celebrating Sachin:

Celebrating Sachin:
aditya katkar: PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Celebrating Sachin:
Sachin Fan: Excellent!! This is what all of us (all Sachin fans...all proud Indians)have been looking for.I can't find words to thank the author but still I want to say something, so....I thank you very much on behalf of all Sachin supporters.

Celebrating Sachin:
kumar.s: Thanks Prem Panicker for bringing back the pride in your last few lines of your article to teach a person like arvind a befitting lesson for living in a fool's paradise.

Celebrating Sachin: Sudarshan Reddy: That was great work. May be someday he will figure out that figure may speak wrong

Celebrating Sachin:
Pratish Shah: Prem, very well said! Could'nt have said it any better... I have been itching to respond to Arvind's column but never got to doing it - I'm so glad you wrote this article!!! Thanks much!

Celebrating Sachin:
Alkesh Shah: Well, put dude!!

Celebrating Sachin:
nitin: Yes Prem , The only indian sportsman we all 1 billion people look at with pride & ask him to perform every singe time. show some respect or you will be hit for a sixer ;-)

Celebrating Sachin:
Samir Ajgaonkar: : This is a well balanced article !!!

Celebrating Sachin:
shankar: great article, subtly sarcastic but a lengthier version of what i had to say about arvind's article

Celebrating Sachin:
Balaji Meruva: I had always liked you but with this article I have become one of your fan. This was the best possible reply to Arvinds article. Hope Indian team reads your article as you are a damn good critic and true to the facts. Keep up the good work Prem and thanks for everything. Ardent Cricket Lover


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