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From: Rajesh Prathinidhi <>
Date sent: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 12:22:45 -0800

Jinnah's/Fuzail Jafferey 'sTrue Colors

Fuzail Jafferey is full of crap. He praises Jinnah , man almost equally brutal as Hitler. A man who's fanaticism led to death and dispalcement of millions of people. Jafferey is one of those 'true' Muslims who will defend his fellow Muslim's action by distoring facts. It is time that he realises that people reading his articles(sic) are not stupid.

From: Murthy Vangala <>
Date sent: Wed, 25 Dec 1996 11:36:13 -0500

Fuzail Jafferey


My name is Murthy Vangala and am a senior manager with AT&T in U.S.A. I recently had the pleasure of reading Fuzail Jafferey's columns and found them to be extremely well thought-out. His ideas on role of Indian muslims, his article about India putting its house in order before seeking permanent membership in the UN security council are most enlightened and need to be seriously considered by community leaders as well as policy makers. Please convey my congratulations and best wishes to Mr. Jafferey.

From: Tarang Panchal <>
Date sent: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 13:05:58 -0800

Fuzall Jafferey's commentaries

I really enjoy Fuzall Jafferey's commentaries. One great writer!!

From: blackhawk stewart <>
Date sent: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 11:21:34 -0800

re Russian yeti.

read your delightful story on the Russian yeti. Do you have a date or any other details on this story? Many thanks.

John Kirk.

From: nsreedev <>
Date sent: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 13:32:18 -0800

The real India

Upon reading the news item about the Judiciary taking control of matters in our Country, I am really heartened that we are after all coming back to our traditions where Godliness and cleanliness in all aspects of living have always been second nature which saw a brief respite in the last one generation of polity where self-aggrandisation was the game.

It is my firm belief that the religious Indians will definitely bring back our lost glory and that there is a restoration of peace, harmony and selflessness in our evergreen society.

Also, thank you for your wonderful news coverage

From: Peter Nocerini
Date sent: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 17:26:08 -0600

Winter's colder in the U.S.

I was quite amused to read V. Gangadhar's "Miscellania" column about "Shiver, Shudder, Winter's Here!."

I read it just after getting home from a drive through six new inches (15 new cm) of snow. There was minimal visibility, the road crews were not out yet, and with all the other snow we have had recently, there is about 24 inches (61 cm) of cold, white stuff. Last week, the temperature got down to minus 22 F (minus 30 C). We all must wear heavy boots and thick stockings when we go outside, along with insulated hats and jackets. That is what winter is like in northern Michigan (near Wisconsin) in the U.S. Thanks for telling me what winters are like in India.

From: P. Subhash C. Reddy <>
Date sent: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 20:52:57 -0600

Bal Thackeray's Nationalism

This is my earnest and innocent (!) curiosity. How did Mr. Thackeray's (speliing ?) family got their family name? It sounds more english than indian. It is puzzling to me all the more because of Mr. Thackaray's ultra-nationalism. I guess I could ask this question without being accused of being unpatriotic or anti-nationalistic because, after all, my name is Subhash Chandra.


P. Subhash C. Reddy

From: m&d <>
Date sent: Sun, 22 Dec 96 01:21:09 UT

Dilip D'Souza.....sick..ularists and their ways..few questions to Dilip D'Souza

Your article on Bombay riots is a classical example of how not to interpret past events in your self created lunatic mind set. These emotional outbursts just provide spicy reading but add nothing to understand the root of problems. Can you answer the following..
1. What makes you think that Babri Masjid was a mosque?
2.Yes, few Hindus destroyed for the sake of your argument a "mosque"..but why should Muslims start rioting all over the country? Answer faith in judicial system..whose fault is it?
3.There is a deep rooted mistrust between Hindus and Muslims..Babri is just a manifestation..isn't it?
4.Why should different religious groups in country be treated differently ..when we are citizens of one country?
5.Arnt we trying to run away from past by saying that that Hindus and Muslims lived peacefully through centuries?
6.Do you think that by showing magnanimity of relocating the mosque, Muslims would have helped healing lot of historical wounds and it turn Hindus give guarantee of not revoking any historical religious places dispute? I think that was the best solution.
7.Arnt you aping western media by turning a social issue into that of an creating characters like Raju? How long this misplaced "good intentions" continue?
8.Will this be your article on "secularism" or you want to continue frettering away your energy in such useless manner or come out with some definite plans as to how to improve Hindu Muslim relations?
9.Do you really think Babri Masjid issue is just a religious issue?
10. If India was prosperous and people educated.. such events would take place?

From: Gaurang R. Desai <>
Date sent: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 08:53:38 -0800

The Ramayana (The Rediff special/ Valmiki)

It is unfortunate to see yet another "ME TOO" member of society who is hell bent on putting belmish on Ramayan, Ram and Hinduism in general. In the guise of artistic writing and liberal interpretetaion, they are basically showing their religious hatered.

I don't think, these same author(s) would write something like this against Quran or Mohmaad or Bible or Jesus. I think, Rediff should not have encouraged this.

From: Sridhar Tiruchendurai <>
Date sent: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 12:35:42 -0600

Federal Vs Union

In all the news reports, the union ministers are referred to as "federal ministers". I get a feeling that this is an attempt to give an American shade of reporting. India is referred to as an "Union" and it is not a federal set-up unlike US. I think Indian legal experts could throw more light on the differences between the two.

From: Santosh Pillai <>
Date sent: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 11:43:36 -0800

Valmiki special

I am sad to see this "translation" of the great epic. It seems to be - to say the least - a gross misinterpretation if not a deliberate attempt at underminig this epic and Hinduism at large.

I think this should not have been put on the rediff. If this is the "essence of Indian secularism", just because it is a translation of a Hindu scripture by a Muslim, I can give you quite a few "secular" excerpts from books on Islam and Kuran. Would you consider putting them on the rediff as well?


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