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'We are a bunch of losers and a nation of cowards'
Sat Sep 28 00:41:06 2002
Name:sateesh allaparti
Your Views:yes we are a soft target. India must act seriously instead of saying words. India must do a full pledged war with pakistan.India must occupy POK.I think india needs an able leader as prime minister.we cannot tolerate pak's violence.pakistan cannot be there in world map.
Sat Sep 28 02:06:37 2002
Your Views:We should react like Israel
Sat Sep 28 02:06:59 2002
Your Views:Yes!
Sat Sep 28 02:09:00 2002
Your Views:Yes... we are a soft state.. where the politicians just mouth platitude.. The governments of all partiesBJP, Congress are alike. What we need is a firm proactive retalition policy
Sat Sep 28 02:40:56 2002
Your Views:Yes we are a soft state... probably the softest. Forget about the Pakistan, Someone comes to our country from as small as Bangladesh kills 16 our brave soldiers, drags them like dogs And What the f*** we do as a Nation, As a citizen? Schedule some flag meetings to build confidence across the border. Issue some harsh warnings and then we sit down and get busy with our shit lives. Ask the solidier's families what they have to go thru' daily after that. We dont do anything to them as a nation. And these journalists write things which sells. No one talks about our soldiers who rest their lives for nothing. What do we achieve after their martyrdom. Couple of promises of harsh action to bebroken again. Some one in Parliament declares to be independent. What we do..?? just read the news and forget.... instead of chasing those bastards to their graves. There are numorous examples like this. There is no other nation in the world which forgets crime against nation. We are a bunch of Losers and a nation of cowards.
Sat Sep 28 02:09:14 2002
Your Views:India can not anymore be slient.. I appeal to the Prime Minister that India should immediately launch an war with Pakistan and destory the Terrorist camps in PoK and integrate PoK with India and must make a full-stop to this issue.
Sat Sep 28 02:11:08 2002
Your Views:Unless we shed the Gandhian concept of Ahimsa and embrace the message of Krishna ie active resistance to evil,we will remain in the same position.As Vivekananda said,ahimsa cannot be a state philosophy.Our policy now must be what Arun shourie succintly put it"Two eyes for an eye,a jaw for a tooth". Unless we adopt that,Akshardham incident will repeat itself.
Sat Sep 28 02:11:54 2002
Your Views:India is indeed a soft state. It comes from the fact that our Hindu leaders are too cowardly to deal with the enemies of India.
The lack of a strong Kshatriya Hindu leadership exposes the soft under belly of India.
This underbelly comes from the never ending appeasement of mohamadhan duplicity towards Indian and Pakistan; and the power structure of India consisting of false secular Hindu leaders.
India will only regain its strengh if there are a new breed of Hindu leadership emerges. Such a leadership will draw from our great past of leaders, such as Prithviraj, Shivaji Maharaj, Gobind Sigh and of course, Sri Ram, India's greatest leader to date.
Sat Sep 28 02:11:58 2002
Your Views:There is nothing to argue about this. We, Indians, are a group of cowards who can only roar in our den. We are like the dogs who barks. There is no leader who is tough minded and has national interest in mind. The only thing our leaders know is how to stick to power.
What was the use of calling for a bandh??? Who sufferred in it. Its the ordinary people, mentally, physically and monetaryily. While the likes of Bal Thakereys were sitting in their respective houses in airco's, "threatning" to withdraw support. One estimate says that we suffered a loss of 1000 crores. Pakistan laughed on our foolishness. Arnt we playing in there hands by economically weakening ourselves. If any "leader" wants to do anything for the country, do like our freedom fighters did. Go and fight. Just dont sit and bark.
Sat Sep 28 02:12:18 2002
Name:Faruk Kazmi
Your Views:Some where down the line we have to come to terms with a fact that we can have no peace with Pakistan as long as their Army is in power. We have to go to war.
Sat Sep 28 02:12:24 2002
Name:Rajendra Dangle
Your Views:Politicians are talking that terriorist are coming accross the Border. Is this not our failuare ? they dont realise when they are talking like this.
People should know what steps are taken after attack on parliement ? War is not the solution but how many times we are going to tolerate this.Are we feel safe in country ? Are we not human beings ? or only americans are human being on this earth. They started fighting with the peoples whom they want in all means. Why our goverment is afraid of war with Pakistan. We young people are ready for any situation including nuclear attack from Pakistan, but we want peace and let comman man leave peacefully. If politicians are not going to do anything on this, they will be punished one day and that day is no longer.
Sat Sep 28 02:12:43 2002
Your Views:No, India is not soft rather India is more patience and is growing rapidly. Patience wins the race
Sat Sep 28 02:13:21 2002
Your Views:yes we are
Sat Sep 28 02:13:42 2002
Your Views:Yes we are very much a soft state or I can say dirty Indian vote bank politics is the resaon behind the soft state status of india.
Sat Sep 28 02:14:03 2002
Your Views:please don't ask stupid questions???????
Sat Sep 28 02:14:28 2002
Your Views:yes we are but what makes us softer is the hard stance our 'evil neighbor' in the west takes. we need to get our priorities right!And yes National security is paramount for any soverign country's survival.Think bout it guys!
Sat Sep 28 02:14:41 2002
Your Views:Definitely not a soft State. We are trying to prove through diplomacy.If we attack them like they do or start a war, then we will be awarded a bad boy image and possibly a nuclear rampage, which is not good for image of country. We have waited , we will wait a lil bit more and finish 'em off.
Sat Sep 28 02:14:48 2002
Your Views:What happened in Gujarat is very sad and indeed everyone has to condemn. I don't agree with the view that we are a soft state. What is happening is lack of honesty and integrity with the politicians who use the anti-social elements for their own advantage. It is time that the terrorizing tactics of either side are condemned and perpetrators of violence are punished.
Sat Sep 28 02:15:40 2002
Your Views:Hi,
We are definitely the softest target in the whole world.
Anyone across the border can come and kill us.And our politicians do nothing but mouth some inane statements,run to uncle sam like cry baby who in turn gives more money to pakistan to fund the terrorists.
C'mon when are we going to stop this drama ?
Sat Sep 28 02:16:30 2002
Your Views:YEs ! we are softstate because our great Mahatma Gandhi ,The country in which Gita has been told by Lord Krishan to Arjun to fight with enemy for the sake of society , is being foolishly
wiped out by untimed "Ahimsa" principal , you just can not ,should not implement Ahinsa to your countries/societies enemy all our politician are just blindly following gandhi ,and Gandhi himself was blindling persueing this "Ahinsa" against British other wise we could have gotten the freedom 30 years before ,,,,
Sat Sep 28 02:16:50 2002
Your Views:I believe we are quite soft. Look, even after convincing the world community that pakistan has rogue elements and harbors them, they have not done squat. We have been sitting all these years hoping that someone would do something for us that we should have done ourselves. All our governments have been inept in dealing with this problem. Deal with it once and for all. Kill the bastards that are the Pakistani ISI and the crap jehadis, who are seemingly distorting the image of muslims all over the world.
We cannot sit here and do nothing. We need to have covert operations within pakistan if we don't have courage to fight an all out war. I am willing to go and fight out there at the border. I cannot stand some bastardised country and its moguls sending people to kill innocent people in the name of religion and righteousness.
Jai Hind!
Sat Sep 28 02:17:03 2002
Your Views:Yes, India is a soft state.
the way US reacts to any threat to itself makes a nation great.Not making noises after every single attack on itself.( i can count so many attacks even outside Kashmir).we need a leadership more courageous and bold than we ever had or we can ever dream of.all those peaceniks need to take a hike some place else.
We need final action n decisive war.
Sat Sep 28 02:17:05 2002
Name:Ronnie Italia
Your Views:Yes We are
Sat Sep 28 02:17:22 2002
Your Views:As far as i can see Bush is no worse than Osama or Saddam. He funds Pakistan to destabilize the entire south asia. He can then establish a base here, plunder the Oil resources for himself. These oil merchants can think of nothing else. He is putting not just the Indians in danger but also his own American citizens. Their tax money is funding terrorists in Pakistan. Hope they realisze that. Hinduism is in itself secular. We need not boast ourselves that we are a secular country. Its all bull shit. Read any article by a foreigner,they call India a Hindu nation. The nation would not have any religious strife if we declare ourselves as a Hindu state rather then secular. Its just ignorance on the part of the founders of our constitution to name India as Secular state, they just dint know what Hindusm is all about.
Vande Matram.(hope some pinko or 'secular' indian muslim dosent sue me for using this)
Sat Sep 28 02:17:51 2002
Your Views:We have to take serious actions. Just talking is not going to help us.We are going to spend lot of money everyyear and losing people. I don't know why the Government of India is delaying to take concrete actions.
Sat Sep 28 02:18:14 2002
Your Views:We have become a soft state!!. I don't think we were a soft state when Indira Gandhi decided to liberate Bangladesh despite the possibility of igniting US action. But in this Vajpayee era we have become a soft state. At times it feels that it might be better to have a Sonia Gandhi led Govt - atleast she would hopefully have got pressured into taking action when it is due. Now we have a bunch of politicians who claim "Bharat Gaaurav" but only in words. They have made us feel impotent - we saw Dec 13, we saw Kaluchak, Amarnath, Chattisingpora, Akshardham, J&K assembly and what not !! We even saw our soldiers being beaten up by the ungreatful Bangladeshis but our BJP politicians - Advani and Vajpayee only talked about "we will take action".
This govt has demoralised the country like no other. It has made India a soft state and encouraged terriorrism by its approach.
Sat Sep 28 02:18:29 2002
Name:Parag S. Purohit
Your Views:You have just defined what is "soft".I am a chemist by profession and would do everything possible on my behalf to get the definitions of soft to be changed. what else can we call a nation that just bends itself anyway for anything but its own people.I wonder whether our honarable politicians understand what rubbish they speak when such incidents occur.I am confidant that the victims must be finding it far more difficult to accept the way these "mentors" of our nation react.
Sat Sep 28 02:19:14 2002
Your Views:Yes we are a soft state. No
doubt on that. We lack the courage to take bold steps as
we are very shortsighted and are not able to look at long
term gains. We fear for the reaction of others in the
shorterm without knowing that those are meant for taking care
of the others short term interests.
Sat Sep 28 02:19:31 2002
Your Views:Yes we are a soft state. Our government is weak and our PM is weaker than anything I have known in my life.
Sat Sep 28 02:19:34 2002
Name:Pratyush Paul
Your Views:India is a soft state. This is the
reason we are made a target for the last 15 years by Pakis. We need to learn
some lessons from Isreal, look how they fight terror, look how they retaliate. Isn't it time we go all out war with pakis and destroy their cities, mosque & their culture. What are we waiting for, are we hindus a group of enuch?
I do not accept this kind of softness.
Sat Sep 28 02:19:45 2002
Your Views:Most of the democracies in the world are soft states. Because, whatever action the government takes, should get approval from the majority of the people. When a country is ruled by a dictator, they can take risky steps such as sending terrorists across the border as they are not standing for next elections.
Sat Sep 28 02:20:20 2002
Your Views:Yes I would say. Pakistani Mother F******s are commiting these attacks to destabilize the nation .... I am very sad to see India not taking firm stand on attacking PoK. India says that we don't allow third nation to mediate in the kashmir and yet bows to the international pressures. Ignore and attack that MFing pakistan...
Sat Sep 28 02:20:29 2002
Your Views:I would say that we are the only people who doesn't react ahead of the incident but support others like (US) in waging war aganist countries saying we are eradicating evil forces. Why don't we have the will to demolish evil inspite of knowing who it is , are we not that courageous to defend our nation or the politicians busy cashing the nation at the expense of the poor for their dire interests. I would still consider us as slaves (before independence under British empire after independence under the will of greedy,unethical,cruel ....etc. politicians).
Never will the country have peace nor unity until the people get rid of selfishness that's why the i would say we are soft targets. I have lots to say but i feel staying mumm is sometimes better off than to speak louder at a deaf man who are mesmorised by the corrupt society. i hope this might releive my zeal to destroy the beuracratic and red tapezim society a little.
Sat Sep 28 02:20:33 2002
Your Views:We are a soft state. But I would like to differ on the fact that all the terrorists come from accross the border. We have quite a feel wellwishers for these " Across the border " guys within our own country. Till the time we dont flush out these traitors India will always remain soft target. For this first and foreost the Muslim community will have to accept Common civil code. Also They need to realize that Religion comes after country.
Sat Sep 28 02:20:39 2002
Your Views:Yes.We have always remained a soft state and will remain for ever a soft state. Our politicans talk tall but do nothing. Pakistan knows this very well and hence these audacious attacks, first the parliament and now our temples. The only way out is to tackle this menace of Pakistan once and for all. Who is uncle Sam to tell us what we should and shouldn't do vis-a-vis Pakistan. Let our army go deep inside pakistan and destroy all the infrastructure of terrorism. This will cost us a lot but it has to be done one day and why not now. We Indians are ready to pay that price so that our children and our future generations will be rid of this menace called Pakistan.
Sat Sep 28 02:21:13 2002
Name:Gopi krishna Gaddam
Your Views:I can definitely say that we are a soft state .We dont believe in ourstrenght and do not do the things that r expected of us .
If the present scenario continues then no one will have confidence in him that tomorrow is the better day to live.If the government does not provide its citizens that sense of confidence then the whoile next generation will be brought by in a timid environment ,there by we are creating them even more vulnerable when there is a actual need of their services
as even a tiger can be made vegetarian if u raise it in a soft manner.
The guts and the young blood that were in our ancestors during freedom struggle to thrive away the britishers are missing in us today to thrive away the sufferings of people. I am seriously upset with the present day situation in india as I cant stay at a different place if my parents and fellow citizens security is at threat.(what wrong did those people did at akshar dham ,if this is the case then people will be afraid of going to temples ) which we did not not even dreamt of in the british rule even. I believe that government should do something to inculcate sense of confidence to live among the citizens .
Sat Sep 28 02:21:39 2002
Your Views:Yes we are a soft target. We are outraged for a few days after each incident and then conveniently forget about it? The value of an indian life is virtually nothing. First of all our politicians and the parties that they represent do not have credibility. How do we know for sure that the "terrorists" are from across the border? We, the people of India, have been subjected to this kind of information for so many years. Every incident is due to a "foriegn hand". I am tired of hearing it and now I want some tangible proof. Our security agencies within a short span of time have even found their names and places they belong to!We always cry for US support. If we really have the proof, we should attack the terrorist camps. Unless the people of India and politicians change, no one will take us seriously. I think it is time for us to change our thinking!!!
Sat Sep 28 02:21:59 2002
Your Views:No doubt about this we are good at breaking our own resources or carrying out bandh. History has shown this first Mughal kings than britishers ruled us because of this softness or more appropriate our cowardness
Sat Sep 28 02:22:13 2002
Name:Subrata Saha
Your Views:I personally think that we might have strength. However, we somehow, fail to justify our strength. Therefore, we are and will continue to be the "Soft State". Only a strong leadership like "Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose" can be able to change this because at the end one needs to have a "guts".
Sat Sep 28 02:22:16 2002
Your Views:Yes
Sat Sep 28 02:22:55 2002
Your Views:yes we are and that is because the political parties are not united congress party concentrates only on how to get in to power rather than be a good opposition and it is their double games that is responsible for the latest turmoil fisrt those congressmen should learn to be patriotic
Sat Sep 28 02:23:20 2002
Your Views:we definately are a soft state
with our ministers just thinking about their chaire and all the luxuries asoociated with it they fail to provide service ti the nation and the result
hundreds of people are killed innocently why cant we be engaged in a proxy war against Pakistan If US can attack iraq so can we attack POK we should fear not even the US or any other state it is our right to protect the people of our country from such crooks the time has come to give the militants and all those associated with a fitting reply and stand united by our brothers
the last thing we need would be communal disharmony and with the political parties just minting money and support at public s sake that wont be too far away we need a change in our leadership what we find in our parliament all aged politicians they cant even stand on their feet and talk about big things
we will do this we will do that the masses to should realise that these politicians are nothing but a bunch of idiots who only know to talk.
Sat Sep 28 02:23:30 2002
Your Views:Yes we are a soft State.
We as citizens are responsible for electing lousy leaders. Our politicians will probably change if we have a situation like the French Revolution.
Sat Sep 28 02:23:31 2002
Your Views:We would be a "soft" state, had we not been a non-functioning state. The state is suitably brutal when dealing with Indian citizens - it's only when we come to dealing with out external enemies, we seem to come under "international pressure". The words "international pressure" is extensively used by all and sundry - the problem is nobody clarifies what this international pressure consists of. As a citizen I would like to know what the "pressure" is and why the "most populous" democracy cannot protect it's vital interests in the face of such pressure. I think a lot of the Governments arguement of blaming Pakistan for everything would fall flat on it's face if it spelt out why it cannot deal with international "pressure" !!!
Sat Sep 28 02:23:51 2002
Your Views:I think in last 50 yrs we could not give foundation to our policies to dealth with seperatist and criminals. Also Politicians involvement with criminals (Dawood etc) has created a hallowness in the society as far as law in concerned. Terrorists in india die in jail cells then being hanged which is bad. The Law is slow to work. COngress has created a big mess in 50 yrs e.g. North-east, kashmir, punjab, Bangladeshi migration for just getting vote. Our leaders always preach abt tolerance that being offensive. Yes, we are soft.
Sat Sep 28 02:23:53 2002
Name:Bharat Anumolu
Your Views:What do you mean we are a soft state? Just as the Congress traitors rigged the Kashmir election and started militancy there, the BJP has started an armed insurrection with their inhumane killings of Muslims. The Godhra muslims should have been hanged for what they did, but why did the BJP/VHP kill innocent Muslims? Now, innocent Hindus are facing the retaliation. Gujarati msulims must be clearly and forcefully told that retaliation should be directed only at BJP/VHP officials and not at innocent people. Wake up Vajpayee! DO SOMETHING!
Sat Sep 28 02:24:02 2002
Name:Arvind Maheshwari
Your Views:Yes we are a soft state. Somebody comes and kills people in place of worship and old vajpayee is still having patience. They killed 32 but killed the moral of 1 billion people, they killed self respect of nation. We are selling our lives so cheap and everytime looking at the mighty USA for some help. Just remember that when Ghaznavi invaded Somnath with about 5000 mercenaries, few lakh hindus were praying to non-listening god.
Now the god is USA and mercenery is Pakistan and there is no doubt on day whole india will be ruled by Pakistan and all indians will be massacred or converted to other religion. Vajpayee leave your greed at least at the age of 80, USA might topple your government but act or you will be known as Nero of India.
Sat Sep 28 02:24:20 2002
Name:Nandkumar Gandhi
Your Views:Yes!We should take advantage of USA's zero tolerence policy towards Global Terrorism, form necessary alliances and take harsh steps to root out terrorists. Somebody tell Mr. Thackeray this is not a time to play politics but to take action.
Sat Sep 28 02:24:26 2002
Your Views:yaa we r too soft but the time has come to do something n these politicians they just dont care lives of common people they r selfish n they will do nothing ,so plz i request to the govt to do something n stop another death toll ,the time has come to reply pakistan do it.
Sat Sep 28 02:24:32 2002
Name:Rajbal Balan
Your Views:
This is a time we should take a page out of Israel's book on handling terrorism and go at Pakistan even if it means full scale war. Right now, the world does not care if a few innocents lose their lives in a Third World nation. However, even if one citizen of a Developed nation is harmed, the whole of the UN is woken up. Diplomatic efforts have failed to bring about a solution and the SuperPowers are interested in protecting their interests only. Its time we took matters into our hands and do what we think is right. Untill we do that, YES we are a soft state.
Sat Sep 28 02:24:46 2002
Your Views:Don't take any extreame step.
Relax, asses our possibilities of success in war. Increase production of arms and procure sophisticated arms and ammunitions. Get the UN seat, get recognized as world power. Plan all the things in a span of two years. Decide on the game plan. Incessantly work towards it. Do't change the plan, but ways to acchive and methodologies can be changed. After two years of planning and procurement of arms and ammunition and sophisticated equipment, declare war on pakistan. Wipe out the major cities, major terroris infrstructures, wipe out air fileds, oil depo's, nuclear installations, wipe out key inductial segment. Bring pakistan to its kness. Declare ceasfire and start talking. Bleed Pakistan one time, that it can never forget. These two years, every one may think, we are soft state. But we are not. We are waiting for the right moment and right time. If pak follows its own destructive path, we don;t have to do anything anyway.
Sat Sep 28 02:24:48 2002
Name:Murali Nallapa
Your Views:Yes we are. In the history of Indian Civilization, we have always been attacked and have never hit back. This is a disease that is born with us.
Sat Sep 28 02:24:59 2002
Name:Allen Mathias
Your Views:India wants to be a part of the security council. When a nation cannot defend itself or take a stand against the attrocities againts its own people it cannot expect to be given the responsibility to handle the lives of people of other nations. One event stands out in the mind of each Indian of my generation is the ghastly killing of Indian soldiers by the Bangladeshi troops, a country that owes its independence to these very same soldiers is trying to go one-on-one with us. And yet the government did not retaliate. The act of killing a citizen should be punished and the act of killing a soldier should be retaliated with equal measure and with full force.
Gone are the times of Gandhi when we could do with passivity and non-violence. In today's world where we have seen a teenaged militant equipped with AK-47s and handgrenades we cannot take a wait-n-watch approach. Preemptiveness is the key.
Till 1997-98 Pakistan couldnt think of back-talking with India. After that due to the nuclear arms we are considered equal. The longer we wait the more we Indians will be punished. We all know war is the only resolution possible and inevitable and time is our enemy.
Sat Sep 28 02:25:56 2002
Your Views:I read articles in various online news sites, incl. redif.com, about how India is becoming totally dependent on US for forcing Pakistan to stop cross border terrorism. I also read that US is and will always take decisions which is and would be in their own interest. Now people who think what US is doing is incorrect are living in fools paradise. Why shoudnt they think their own benefits??? So moral of the story is Indian govt. and their so called diplomacy is a total failure and unfortunately I have to accept that YES we are a soft (too soft, rather) state. The reason is that we have never got a young and dynamic leader in our country who could bring the country together as Indians and not as punjabis, gujarathis, maharashtrians and bla bla . However I am optimistic that one day we will change.
Sat Sep 28 02:26:19 2002
Name:Jayesh Desai
Your Views:Concept of state exist in civilised society. Ours is not civilised society. Respect for laws and observence of the laws is hallmark of society, on both this account we fail. We break laws with impunity and take pride in doing so. Therefor observence of law is exception and breach of law is rule. in this scenario such tregedies will occur regularly. It is futile to ask wheather we are soft or hard. we are lawless.
Sat Sep 28 02:26:36 2002
Name:G.V. Anand Bhushan
Your Views:We're facing an enemy with no honour....no scruples. At present there are no solutions for dealing with Terrorists (i.e) non state actors. One needs only to look at the events of Sept 11 or even the impotency of Israel dealing with the pariah non state of Palestine. And all things considered the GOI and our Armed Forces more importantly have done an extremely commendable job...whether it was bringing back normalcy in Gujurat or ensuring the conduct of elections in J&K. Countries like India, Israel, US and Russia should band together to form a long term solution to rid the world of state sponsors of terror.......starting with failed state Pakistan! But through all the poltics and corruption India has been thru, she has sent one strong message. we will not lose another inch of our land..the age of re-drawing maps has passed.. we will even wage {and win} a nuclear war to protect j&k. and thru this all we will still maintain our virbant democracy and will emerge as the largest economy (currently 4th)with our civilisational ethos intact.
Sat Sep 28 02:26:54 2002
Your Views:Yes we r as soft as it comes.
so need to be more hard with our neighbour
Sat Sep 28 02:27:36 2002
Name:Abhijit Ganguly
Your Views:Yes Sir, we are the softest of softest states. But I think there are reasons too. What more do you expect from a government without full majority? One thing I don't understand why are we so worried about the US, what they might think. Actually we have so many people in India that even if couple of hundred perish they do well to us. Its time now to get up and kick some butts but then our leaders are worried that might not please the vote bank. So the bottom line is re-write the stolen, copied constitution and make it up to date with the change of time. It needs to be upgraded.
Sat Sep 28 02:27:52 2002
Your Views:what can we do? attack the so called across the border source...engage in a long war and destroy whatever we have at the moment. can you see the market indicators, which are also heading for the worse due to the delayed standoff on the western border. I think if thinking in terms of no war is being soft it is okay. it is pragmatism for me. let those bunch of ak47 wielding idiots attempt unholy aims, i think the best course open to us is to progress. Just imagine. if India becomes equivalent to US in terms of opportunities, those Pakistan chanting kashmiris would forget azadi or whatever they want and would queue for a place in Mumbai. they are creating trouble because they see no future with India. but just forget their nuisance value for the moment and pace ahead and it would be but a matter of time when even pakistan would also not dare say kashmir or face the dire consequences of our Reliances or Infosys.
Sat Sep 28 02:28:53 2002
Name:Anon, USA
Your Views:I think Indian politicians like to posture too much. In the end both Pakistan and India seem to tow the US line and will never solve their problems themselves. The US will do all it wants for its own benefits and the South Asians will be left with the raw end of the bargain. India should grow up and be the bigger nation for once...If we believe Pakis are the bad guys what are we waiting for...Christmas?
Sat Sep 28 02:29:35 2002
Name:Shyam P
Your Views:What's the question? Are we
soft state or Are we soft target? Soft Target? Yes. A few suicide attackers can go anywhere and attack. If these attackers do 9/11 style meticulous missions, they can cause a lot of damage in India. Our politicians (except a few) are useless to make policies or decisions needed for the country and its security. Our media is utterly disgusting. Only hope is that those few politicians and military chiefs taking tough decisions and solving the problem permenantly to bring peace in India. We have to more pro-active in Pakistan and establish India friendly regimes there. Patriotic Indians should put a lot of pressure on the givernment to take action.
Sat Sep 28 02:29:35 2002
Your Views:Exactly, India's decision making power a.k.a. politicians can not do anything except having their patience run out every time such attrocities occur. Nothing has been done since last Dec 13 attack which was last warning to such elements. India, even though such a large country with enormous power has been a soft target of such elements because of its own inactivity. It is high time now before its too late to act and give a befiting reply to such attacks, it needs to teach lesson to every such attacker on inidian soil. What happened in akshardham can not be replied just by words of mouth, it needs to be revenged in a way that any such attacker thinks hunder times of following consequences of such attack.
Sat Sep 28 02:29:44 2002
Name:Nagamalleswararao Ganji
Your Views:In 1996 I thought that, BJP can change the face of india as agrressive. Today they have failed. Especially i have confidance on Advani and not at all on vajpayee. neither congress nor BJP ( CPI & others) can take courage decisions. so, india need young leadership for that. only young generation has that ability. for all indins, my sincere request is vote for young & talented not for money or any other means
Sat Sep 28 02:29:47 2002
Your Views:I would say what happened a decade ago in Babri was really wrong and what has happened at Akshardham is also wrong. I am here in the US and have been friends with Pakistanis and muslims from the other parts of the world and they condemn such acts with almost same levels of passion. I think Indian politicians are not soft but plain foolish in handling the situation. All they need to do is to tell the world that India has the second largest muslim population in the world next to Indonesia and never have such acts taken place and if Pakistan is party to such an act then it should have the courage to come in front of the world and accept themselves as a part of the terrorist community. And Musharraf by blaming this incident on something that happened a few months ago in Gujarat is once again proving himself to be spineless.
I would say Pakistan is a softer state then India since they are totally squashed between the U.S and the terrorists. If they are al that strong then they need to be upfront about letting the U.S thrash the alQueda out of the country.
Sat Sep 28 02:30:36 2002
Your Views:Yes. We have been, we are and we will be a pathetically soft state.
Modern Indian History:
1) 11th century to 16th century:
India raped by muslims, especially barbarians like Ghori, Ghazini and Mughals.
2) 16th century to 1947:
India royally screwed by British, French and Portugese
3) 1947: India was molested by way of Partition by British, Muslims and Congress
4) 1947-present: India being raped, bruised and battered by our politicians
In the meantime what are our so-called religious leaders doing? Sringeri Shankara Math is unscrupulously critisizing the Kanchi Shankara Math and vice versa. But both these Math's Swamijis' (!!) travel in foreign cars, while preaching ordinary hindus about non-materialism and atma! In fact Sringeri Shankaracharya owns a Benz car (he is supposed to be a Sanyasi clad in Saffron cloths and be an icon of renunciation!). He charges Rs. 600.00 for a 5 minutes pads pooja!!! Sai Baba talks all bull shit to Indians and foreigners alike and owns crores and crores of rupees. It is only common people like you and I that get fu**ed. Politicians are bad, swamijis are worse, shoddy Indian movies are rampant -> moral decay! Whom to turn to???!!!
Sat Sep 28 02:30:55 2002
Name:R. Abraham
Your Views:I definitely feel that we are being soft against our enemies. We should take a proactive approach and put this problme once and for all to an end. We can't keep living in fear of what will happen to our economy, or to our country. Even otherwise it's still affecting our economy and security of our nation. No nation under attack though overtly or covertly will be able to acheive their full potential economy wise.
We should follow the path taken by the U.S. and do whatever it takes to protect our country...even if it means preemptive attack on our enemies. Pakistan can rant and threaten about using nukes, but I am sure that they are atleast wise enough to know that it used nukes, their nation would be wiped off the face of the earth. We must use our every possible strength and advantage to defeat our enemies. No doubt it's going to be painfull and bad for our economy in the short term. But I am confidant that our nation and our economy will rise up to be a force to reckon with.
Sat Sep 28 02:31:03 2002
Name:Uday Ghorpade
Your Views:Are we a soft state ?
Yes We are and we are foolish state(and i mean leaders are stupid) as well. Our leaders know to shoot their mouth off at first oppurtunity to blame our enemy.. We must first have substantiative and accurate evidence before pointing a finger at someone.. This approach undermines our position because international community equates this to usual Indian stupid rhetoric.
On being the soft state we are because we do not know how to fight our battles.. And i mean battle in the war of diplomacy. Also we should keep making ourselves a strong nation both technologically and economically because my view point is we can just win the war by making our neighour look very small and once we have the economic might the whole world would start paying attention to us.
About attack on Akshardham temple, we should unearth the truth and punish our neighbour by painting them bad and also doing limited strikes if necessary.
Also we need very strong leaders who can lead and make us look powerful and not very laid back and docile individuals..
Hope we have such leaders and hope that our country does not go through these attacks anymore..
Sat Sep 28 02:31:09 2002
Your Views:Our politicains have tried very bravely to steer us away from any kind of confrontation, but when the enemy still keeps on coming I think we should give them what they want. We have to show the enemy that an Indian life is worth the same to us as an American's is to the Americans. It could be someone I love next time, and we should not remain silent when this happens. Especially if everyone knows who is responsible for these killings. Political goodwill should be sidelined at this time, we have to show the world that Indians as a whole will not stand for this. I for one stringly believe in the Israeli policy "One of ours, OK, ten of yours". While our politicians are out there trying to get the goodwill up our people are dying. And which day dont you pick-up the paper and read that some citizen, policemen or a soldier has been killed by a terrorist. I dont see any pakis dying at the hands of terrorists now either? What are you waiting for, you want the pakis to call an all out attack? The time for negotiations are over. We have to show that we are a one united country in this aspect and will not stand for this shit or we are going to regret it later, really regret it.
Sat Sep 28 02:31:10 2002
Your Views:Stop convincing USA, attack the evil(pakistan and its supporters in India)
bring them to justice.
Sat Sep 28 02:31:36 2002
Your Views:we are not a state itself how can we be soft or strong its the duty of the state to protect the lives of its citizens and value their sacrifices,why don't politicians put their sons and daughter on the border and talk that rubbsih even now if we don't respond,we will be lesser than afganistan,bec'z it showed some ass when us attacked .thats it hope we indians attack now.
Sat Sep 28 02:31:57 2002
Your Views:We are indeed soft targets. Since the days of Moghals invasion, till Pakistan separation, sub-continent Hindus always had been soft targets. The reason is, there is no representation worldwide for Hindus. But there are enough supporters for Abraham based religions. But there are enough Hindus who have the outside links, to denounce Hindus, Hinduism by projecting sporadic to spiral incidents in a magnified glass and portray the subcontinent culture as inferior. This sort of opinion makers from fake representing Hindus sentiments putting down the religion and as well relinquish support across the globe;
The politicians who want to appease certain section for the sake of Vote is always playing dangerous for this country's security and unity. Taking actions against Pakistan alone is not going to help on the long run. India has to act on its own individual merits and demerits. It has to fix agenda by ignoring hypocrite world opinions, which are only sympathetic towards Abraham religions? India must preemptively strike Pakistan, India must take away any special privileges for any specific community, religion or caste. Ban all religious underground activities like Madrasses, SIMI, etc
Sat Sep 28 02:32:34 2002
Name:P Shaw
Your Views:Yes. If you need explaination, then you must have been waking up after 20 years from coma.
Sat Sep 28 02:32:38 2002
Your Views:Is there still a doubt that India is a soft state? It think that is pretty much clear.
Sat Sep 28 02:32:59 2002
Name:Gult Maharaj
Your Views:What rubbish ! As long as we
have Amisha Patel and Rambha we will
always remain a "hard" state....
Sat Sep 28 02:34:02 2002
Name:Siva Poosapati
Your Views:Yes, i think we(indians)are a soft target but india is not a soft state. B'se of our leaders it appears to the world and to the terrorists that we are a soft state. Our leaders talk more about rooting out the terrorism but does very very little. Whenever we have a terrorist attack on us, our leaders asks someone else to act and curb it ranther than doing it ourself. It's our responsibility to secure our country from the external evils. We have the size, the strength, the will but we are not acting as the situation demands. We should do pre-emptive strikes on those terrorists who are waiting to strike on us. We have a no first strike on nuclear policy, but not on attacking terrorists. Prevention is always better than cure. As long as we don't realize and act first against those terrorists we remain a soft target.
Sat Sep 28 02:34:16 2002
Name:Sunil Prasad
Your Views:well war, is not a solution.Just with the threat of war, the economy goes down , sensex drops, people are not willing to invest, US or any country will not give more projects to us. people will not visit us. Result?? -> we will become further backward and poor. No one wins in a war, we will also end up loosing so many lives and money. The solution is better defence, better education and sense of security among people, faith in law and police (to report any such activities) make our defence so strong that no one can penetrate. Lanch deplomatic offensive, install Satalite gudence system, imrove the intelligence. Create love and harmony among people. Lets be and remain famaous for being a peace loving country "India has never imnvaded any country" lets maintain that image. No one achives anything by killing some one. Its all in our hands. Try to create love and security among Kashmirisis and Muslims .. they them selves will come out to help the law enforsemant and bring the culprits out, motivate people to do that by providing the sense of security and love.
Jai Hind!
Sat Sep 28 02:34:20 2002
Your Views:Hello Gujarat..
Do Love Peace ..but In the land where Gods Existed ..Daemons are about to Place their Hold..
WAke Up .its time for renaissance ..
increase the security in the border that separates you and your worst enemy ( u knw better ) ITs time to rise and Hit BAck ....its time to explain "Soft Targets are worst fighters" !! Prove them !!
No one Can Break Our Unity !!
Jai Hind !!
Sat Sep 28 02:34:36 2002
Your Views:That's what our image is so far. We are cold blooded, weak, and gullible Indians. Our politicians belive in more words than deeds. And we don't wake up until something reaches our neck. If Pakistan had been in India's place then it would have destroyed India long time back. The ultimate thing is we have no pride left. Time after time, we have proved it.
Sat Sep 28 02:34:43 2002
Name:Shyam P
Your Views:What's the question? Are we
a soft state or Are we a soft target?
Soft Target? Yes. A few suicide attackers can go anywhere and attack. If these attackers do 9/11 style meticulous missions, they can cause a lot of damage in India. Our politicians (except a few) are useless to make policies or decisions needed for the country and its security. Our media is utterly disgusting.
Only hope is that those few politicians and military chiefs taking tough decisions and solving the problem permenantly to bring peace in India. We have to be more pro-active in Pakistan and establish India friendly regimes there.
We Indians should put a lot of pressure on the government to take action.
Sat Sep 28 02:34:53 2002
Your Views:Yes. We are the soft state so the anybody date to attack us. Blast should be responded by Blast. Any blast or killing in Kashmir should be reflected in Karachi or Islamabad or POK. If our guys could not do it, India will bleed forever. The war will be costlier game. Pak knows that. So it plays a different game for the past 20 years (including the terror days of Punjob). Still we did not learn the rules of the game.
It is almost imposible to control the boiling milk unless you switch off the gas. Killing few terrorists is not enough. New people will be recurited immediately. Aim their boses.
Terror should be responded by Terror. There is no other way to save us.
Terrorists attach will be stopped when you blast the train or bus in Islamabad for every citicen killed in India. Make the game costlier for Pak. There is no other way. Long live India.
Sat Sep 28 02:35:31 2002
Your Views:First of all to act on the terrorists there should be a conseous all political parties on the stand. Due to our politicians both ruleing and oppositions party's will politise the issue. They tell lot things but when they come to power it is the same old things. There should be seperate commite to look in to these matters and it should come under the perview of only PM and Home minister's and these commite should be headed by some good reputed police offciers. Power's should be given so that political intervention should be less and negligiable. As far it should be avoided as state problems. And instead of arresting these people it is better to shoot out encounters than captureing alive and the same people gets bail and become politicians.
Sat Sep 28 02:35:37 2002
Name:Are the politician's mother's proud of their sons
Your Views:I really hate politicians. I wonder how their mother's or families walk with their head's raised high. Kargil, a big blunder. Then came Srinagar attack, then came kaluchak attack, then was the attack on parliament, then Kargil II (though not publicised), then came another attack in kashmir, then came this attack on Akshardham (one of the epitomes of peace).
Are our politicians so cowardly, that an attack on their country doesn't move their hearts. They are more worried of a nuclear bomb hitting them and they dying, rather than those who die everday. If we die today we shall be brave, but if we die in an attack, it would be a nation's insult.
Wake up, and do something that would make your generations walk with heads held high. PS: If any army major is viewing this article, i am ready to join the army. I am a software professional and ready to leave. I am 26 yrs, single and physically & mentally strong. I would like to join as a junior officer and go to Kashmir. Takers anyone. ??????
Sat Sep 28 02:36:27 2002
Your Views:What are the characteristics of a soft state? For that matter what are the characteristics of a tough state? Is Israel a tough state? If yes, then I would prefer my India not to be a tough state. India is doing fine the way she is. We are resisting external meddling. Remember, India beign what she is, fixed the Punjab problem. In a few years J&K will meet the same fate as Punjab. So is India a soft state. Soft or tough, I love my India the way she is.
Sat Sep 28 02:36:38 2002
Your Views:Yes we are, as long as we have
old ,lazy, indecisive,Gandhian PM's like Vajpayee we are not going to stop bleeding
Sat Sep 28 02:36:53 2002
Your Views:India, she is a mother, a true motherland! That is why she still nurtures her children. Her children: some who rape her day after day ( politicians for example), some who fight for her, cry for her ( the new educated generation) and some who will never realise that she is our motherland! (those uneducated and those who breed faster than rabbits!)
It's not the people, the hindu's or the muslims, but some politicians and unwanted elements who capatalise on the issue of religion! I lived for 25 yrs in the country, and never bothered if my friend was a hindu or a muslim, a sikh or a christian!
I remember my childhood in india. I grew up among a variety of friends, (never bothering to check their IDs for their religion), ate at their house, was a son to their mothers and vice versa. I just cannot believe that a human being can think religion is bigger than his fellow humans! We say we fight for mandirs and masjids for our gods. I mean when did we become so powerful that we need to fight for our god's right? We as a nation cannot promise everyone food and shelter and we want to provide those for the GODS??? i hope, and i pray that we start realising our priorities some day!
Sat Sep 28 02:37:12 2002
Name:Anuj Mehta
Your Views:Absolutely. The reason,IMHO, is the Hindu way of thinking that makes almost incapable of developing the anger and hatred that motivates followers of semitic religions, most notably Islam. We Hindus do not realize how much hatred muslims have for all Kafirs in general and in our context, Hindus in particular. Since we do not hate people if they have a different mode of worship we expect the same from others. But unfortunatley, the fact is that kuran and Islam justify violence and hatred.
There is no easy solution. We lost a golden oppportunity to get rid of this intolerant and violent religion in 1947. Islam is incompatible with pluralistic, democratic and peace-loving societies.
Sat Sep 28 02:37:30 2002
Your Views:I dont think we are a soft state. I would not blame it on the politicians either. Our honorable prime minister and his cabinet colleagues would at present be having one of the toughest jobs on hand. Its not easy to start a war. We would be losing many lives that are patriotic and self-sacrificing. Moreover the impact of war on our economy is something which cannot be measured. The need is for a calculated response which maximises our gain. We must remember that the enemy (not pak but pakistan's anti india generals) is one of the dirtiest kinds of people we can see. They are ready to do anything to disrupt India to that extent that they have publicly stated Nuking as an option of self defense. All support to the efforts of our people and politicians to neutralize them. I am sure its just a matter of time when we should see concrete results on ground
Sat Sep 28 02:37:32 2002
Name:Balaji Raj
Your Views:Requiring to do so much 'balancing' within Indian polity, and with the ever pacifist and self-denying fourth estate, with a highly indoctrinated past generation due to the coloured education, due to the sapping of enterpreneurship by the colonial legacy of red-tapism, due to the dwindling work culture caused by the alien trade-unionism, it looks almost certain that India has been, is and will be considered a soft state and treated such.
Whatever inherent strengths the nation possesses are all camouflaged by the listless leadership one has gotten around to live with. Seeing people busying themselves in making sure that these strengths remain covered, one doesn't need to be an astrologer to see where we are headed.
If only statesmanlike vision prevails over petty politics (and I include religious and caste politics in this), surely even a tenth of our wasted independant years would be sufficient to achieve what was not in all these years.
Oops, do I already hear murmurs about 'belligerence', 'deprivation', 'majoritarianism', 'fundamentalism' around me?!!!
Sat Sep 28 02:38:13 2002
Your Views:Government and politicians are not doing enough to save peoples life. Government was serious when terrorists attacked parliament just because it was attack on them. What about attacks on common people?. Isn't the life is same whether the person is prime minister or an ordinary citizen. I am really pissed off with our prime minister's statement(we will deal with terrorists firmly) every time terrorist attack innocent civilians. Prime Minister and Other minister ascertain every time that this is the last fight against terrorist. But terrorists still strike every day. How long Government can deceive people without doing enough. Is this the BJP Government which promised to turn India into Developed Nation?. First let them protect lives of ordinary people without pointing fingers at outside countries.
Sat Sep 28 02:38:16 2002
Name:Jairam Manian
Your Views:I deplore the NATO (No Action, Talk Only) policy of the NDA government. When is the NDA going to wake up to the reality
that we are being bled to death by pukistan? Unless we move swiftly to eliminate the cancer of terrorism and the policy of non-action, we are swiftly heading to the dustbin of history.
Sat Sep 28 02:38:42 2002
Name:Rohit Rahi
Your Views:We are not a soft state but definitely we are a passive state, atleast as far as our reaction to any act of terrorism is concerned .we can't be another Israel even if we wish so. we cannot go and strike POK camps as it would lead to a full fledged war with our neighbour.
what India can do is rally around ,make a forceful statement in all its might and create a world consensus against the perpetrators of terrorism .It can make the facts availalle to each and every country of world and let them know the face behind the terrorism .War is never a solution and being hawkish serves no purpose either .if it were the case Israel would have solved all its terrorism by now.
Sat Sep 28 02:39:18 2002
Your Views:Ure kidding me, with 95% of all the politicans uneducated criminals only interested in filling their pockets and keeping their seats. Ofcourse we are a soft state, thats why we get hijacked, screwed over, kicked around. Then we'll turn around go to our backyards and scream threats to the wind, and next day we'll go get our faces slapped again. Im sure nobody seriously thinks we are NOT a soft state. I wish to god we werent, but the truth is we are. Thats why we ask intruders who murder and kill innocent citizens to please leave. Instead of strapping on our steel tipped work boots and shoving it up the end these people talk from.
Sat Sep 28 02:39:32 2002
Your Views:There is no question about it. On one side America is talking of preempting strikes against countries that might attack it and on the other our politicians dont have the guts to take on our neighbouring country which has been consistently bleeding us. I am totally disappointed with the lack of leadership on the part of our politicians. Everytime an incident happens for one week or 15 days we hear these platitudes and wait for the next attack to occur. Remeber that the recent attacks are not only happening in the border state of J&K but in the heart of india (Parliament and Gujarat). No country would have gotten away with such atrocious acts when the Indian nation was lead by a woman by the name of IndiraGandhi. I do not agree with a lot of things she did but atleast in terms of national security she did rule with an iron fist. Now we have an eminent missile scientist as the President and man with immense experience as the prime minister. But what is the use? We are just sitting like ducks for a more brazen attack. It is high time that our so called leaders show some spine.
Sat Sep 28 02:39:38 2002
Your Views:Yes! India has been a soft state for a long time and with a good reason. However if we continue remaining soft we will definitely be overrun one day by these Jihadi forces and it will be too late to take any steps then since by then the tentacles of this menace would have been thrust deep into the fabric of our society. It is better to nip the problem in the bud rather thanhaving to manage an elephantine problem later
Sat Sep 28 02:39:44 2002
Your Views:Yes. We are a soft state. It is high time we attacked and destroyed the terrorist training camps in POK.Action, not words, are needed from the Indian Government.I am yet to see any country in the world that has so much patience.
Sat Sep 28 02:39:58 2002
Your Views:Yes we are! First our politicians are not that good to make decisions on bilateral issues. From our history if you look at we are used to downplay all matters and something is needed to lit up our ass.Then only it fires. Our guys don't have the guts to do everything. Our politicians are good in fighting between parties and make the people fool. Our country is being fooled for decades. Nothing we can do.Our guys are worrying too much for matters like nothing. If you don't make decisions strong then you are not upto your level. Our people all interested in cinemas and dramas. We need revolutions for everything. Young generation has to come out of the cinema world. Everybody should have atleast 50 % patriotic. Our generations are being spoiled. Nobody visioned this states future. It is going in a wrong direction in a wrong boat. The direction we needed is people's attitude change. And the boat needed is good leadership which makes some good change in policies. Some sectors like news industry,film industry has to play a major role towards to make a change in the peoples attitude. I would like to see the newspapers that reveals about good things not the bad one.
Sat Sep 28 02:39:58 2002
Your Views:YES, we are a soft state
Sat Sep 28 02:40:00 2002
Your Views:Without any hard evidence the Americans attacked Afghanistan, with even lesser proof they are now planning to attack Iraq, the Israelis are bombing the daylights out of the Palestinians, why are we sitting on our hands despite decades of evidence of ISI sponsored terrorism on our soil?
Our response to continuing insurgency despite Mushy's promise is "US is not applying enough pressure on Pakistan"!!!!!
What rubbish! The fact of the matter is that India and Indians are percieved as "spineless"......and we only have ourselves and our indecisiveness to blame for it.
We missed a golden oppurtinity to wage war on Pakistan when the December 13th attack on our parliament took place.
How much more do we have to go through before our politicians decide to do something about the jihadis, besides "tough" statements like-"we will deal with terrorism with a heavy hand".
The answer to your question "are we a soft state?" is a resounding YES!!!
Come on Mr. PM, wake up and DO something.
P.S.:Let alone ISI, we haven't even been able to control the atrocities of our very own "legendary" Veerappan!
Need I say more?
Sat Sep 28 02:40:34 2002
Your Views:Ofcourse yes. Why do you think they keep killing indian people and the international community acts as if nothing happened. If we dont stand up for ourselves, who will? Infact the day after the murderous act, U.S has granted $1 billion in aid to Pakistan. Does that say something. What it tells me is "Nobody Cares". Let me list some details 1) Who gave legitamacy to the terrorist Mr.Musharaf? India. The whole world was putting pressure on him to return to democracy, it was Vajpayee who called him to Agra and accepted him as the Leader of the terrorist state. The terrorist are not diplomats. Thats why Musharaf just painted Mud on Vajpayee's face 2) No country in the world will keep quiet after an attack on its very democratic institution. Ofcourse yes, I am talking about the Parliament attack. We kept quiet. Then what is temple attack. Just one other attack.
3)We keep talking kashmir as a bilateral issue. If it is, why keep going to U.S. after ebery attack that happens in Kashmir. Oh my god, I forgot politicians wanted to prove that Pakistan is a terrorist state. Does that ring a bell. Everybody Knows whats going on there. The action need to come from the top brass.
Sat Sep 28 02:40:36 2002
Name:jaideep chatterjee
Your Views:Our politicians are a bunch of worthless people. Our PM is just a puppet like the President of India. These politicians are so wretched that they will do everything and anything to gain political ground. I don't say that Congress is better than BJP, all are alike. It totally depends upon the citizens of India that is "US" to elect good people but alas we have a habit of comitting the same mistake year after year. So yes we are a soft state. We keep on saying that we should act like Israel but Indian policy makers don't have the required guts to do that. We need younger politicians at the helm and need do some deep thinking about the terrorism problem. After every attack, the PM or the pathetic deputy PM speak out about probes but these probes usually donot yeild any result. And then there are foolish people in India who commit these heinous crimes against humanity and the result is our heads hang in shame in front of others. In India, there is no value of human lives, we are like expendable commodity and that is what makes me feel pathetic.
Sat Sep 28 02:40:40 2002
Name:Rajeev Singh
Your Views:Yes, We are a soft target. Our leaders knows how to talk , spread hatred amongst people in the name of relision. But when it comes to taking action all of them are tame goats. The only solution to our plight is get rid of these big mouth politicians and who knows when will this happen and who will do this. I love my India.
Sat Sep 28 02:40:42 2002
Your Views:We are a soft state and we should not be so soft. We prefer diplomacy but diplomacy will win better when there is also a gun pointing along with.Its high time we take military action against Pakistan and militancy in particular.Learn from Israel and now we have enough Indians in US like the jews to shape the policy.
Sat Sep 28 02:40:50 2002
Your Views:That is the easiest question I have ever answered. We Indians are soft in all aspects of life, be it politics, war, sports, whatever. We should learn a little from how Israel and US responds to these kind of problems. It is very true that India is a step child in this world, openly or hiddenly rebuked and hated by every other country because of its Hindu majority. Hence, we don't have the flexibility to respond strongly to these problems like the way other countries do. The same countries who passes a blind eye to our problems will admonish us if we do something. That I would say is the reason we are being too diplomatic. I would say we should learn how to wage our war alone and do what seems necessary to remove the roots of evil and terrorism from our country. This world is full of hypocrites and I can say easily that India is the only country that is not a hypocrite (except for those who blares about secularism) and do actually care when they say they care.
Sat Sep 28 02:41:01 2002
Your Views:Yes, there is no doubt that we are a very soft state. Having said that we should ask why? It is because we do not have backing of any major power. Why Israel does any thing it wants because it has a BIG support of USA.
Sat Sep 28 02:41:17 2002
Name:Mahatami Ghandi
Your Views:Peace!!!!!!!!!!
Sat Sep 28 02:41:37 2002
Your Views:Our leaders are cowards! We look at the US for action every time there is an attack on us. If somebody breaks in our house, we have to fight back and kick him out and teach a lesson and not rely on others to do our job. We should not be afraid of the US. It is the US that is actually afraid of the war in South Asia for economic and military reasons. A war in South Asia will have a huge economic implication in the US that Indian leaders don't even envision. The US is afraid that a nuclear war in South Asia will set precedence on the nuclear weapons usage for other nations to follow. This will reduce the US's monopoly in nuclear weapons usage. The US will also scare every nation in the world about the terrible impact and the fallout of a nuclear war, but yet it wouldn't hesitate to use it when it wants to. We need a strong and a decisive leader like Indira Gandhi under who we created Bangla Desh. She was not worried about the super power's support to Pakistan and their fleets in the Indian Ocean. Vajpayee, Advani, and even the opposition are worthless piece of s***!!!
Sat Sep 28 02:41:48 2002
Name:Debanjan Chakraborty
Your Views:I don't think so. Waging a war against your neighbour is not a good option anytime - much less a viable option. These terror activites are direct/indirect results of our corrupt/"good for nothing" politicians and their corrupt practices. They should rather concentrate and channelize their energies to develop and implement economic growth oriented policies. The situation has come to this state today because of the failure of our successive governments since independence and their divide and rule policies. Why can't we have one government who is not afraid of taking some bold steps and firmly implement some good policies? If we can bring on prosperities and give hope to our youth to live on productively - it is guranteed that these terrorists will have no home here on our land. Does not matter whethere they are imported or home grown. Let the people's representatives do their job properly first before blaming on outside governments or countries. It is the duty of the public of India to ensure that. Otherwise, there is no hope for anyone.
Sat Sep 28 02:42:21 2002
Your Views:Yes we are a soft target.
We have never acted decisively.
Sat Sep 28 02:42:22 2002
Your Views:Dear editor:
I know this comment may not get published, but still I would try to be honest in expressing myself. INDIA (or BHARAT) of yore has always been a soft state because of our Hindu tolerance. Historically we have been plundered, our people murdered, raped, converted and enslaved and we didnt do anything. What we see today is a continuity of what our history is since a 1000 yrs back. Islam and its followers(in pakistan and everywhere else) are quite clear and open about what they want, how they want and what they are willing to do to get it. Their "quran" clearly guides them on that path. It is we who are fooling ourselves in trying to see a silver lining in the cloud where there is none.
We have to pull ourselves out of this foolishly self destructive idea of secularism and tolerance and rise above our divisions of language, caste, region to create a open, progressive yet strong society. Pampering Islam will certainly not lead us towards that direction. So even if you do not publish my letter...read it atleast and open your mind to the reality.
Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah
Sat Sep 28 02:42:58 2002
Your Views:After the Akshardam temple massacre, I am seriously inclined to think that we are still a soft state as we were 1000 years ago. Only when the government and the people get out of this pseudo-secularist mentality will such atrocious acts cease to happen. If Chatrapati Shivaji had been alive he would be ashamed and embarassed to have fought for the protection of such a spineless race.
Sat Sep 28 02:43:00 2002
Your Views:First, I would say gographically we are in a vulnerable position for multiple attacks.
Second, Clandestine People motivated to die can achieve their objectives easily. Even after all this we still believe that victory over terrorism will be achieved by peaceful means. Third, once something happens here (in india), we discuss till the issue is fresh in mind and then there will be a probe and after that reports will be there in archieves. First point .. no one can change. America is at an advantage. Second point .. there is something we can learn from america. Third point .. there is a lot to be learnt from america.
Sat Sep 28 02:43:25 2002
Name:Cyber Wizard
Your Views:Attack is a reflection of poor intelligence and preparation on part of our government. We are certainly perceived as a soft target, partly because of our "let it go attitude" and partly because of our amnesia when it comes to matters of security and our refusal to learn from past. Such attacks will continue to bleed our country until we adopt a no nonsense approach to terrorism and crime in general. If a person X commits a crime, he or she should be punished in a reasonable amount of time. We can not have a society which condones criminal at one hand and expects security on the other.
Sat Sep 28 02:44:08 2002
Your Views:in two words
"we suck" Hamara bharat mahaan is actually in terms of might Hamara bharat lahaan(chota) With such stupid and gutless politicians ruling the roost what else can we expect.....
Sat Sep 28 02:44:16 2002
Your Views:Yes, the other countries(especially the neighbouring coutries to us) think us as the soft state to attack. The politicians atleast now should react to this and taken a strict and severe action against the forces that are disturbing the peace of Indian people. If government is not going to taken any action against them and want to publicize the issue then it is responsibility of us, as the citizens of india to compel the government to take action against them. people are no longer happy...we are living with lot of tensions everyday..we don't want to live anymore like this and we need to find a solution for this as soon as possible. 'others' think our honestness as our weakness and think that we cannot do anything. we have to prove ourselves what we are...even the international society should know what is happening around us...this can only happend only if we as the citizens of this great nation come forward and compel the government to take any action. as we all know our politicians just look for their our benefits, this is not only the case with our politicians but, this is the case with every politician in this world...so, let's fight for the good cause..
Sat Sep 28 02:44:22 2002
Your Views:Of course we are. It might not be very bad being a soft state but it depends on how much manuverability we can get while being soft. People compare us to Israel... but it is a different situation. Pakistan and Palestine are not the same. It maynot be very wise to go all out and have a war but how about covert surgerical strikes using our elite forces. If we believe that this particular person was behind the planning of this attack... Assassinate him. That would take terror back to the hearts of those who sponsor/create it. Israel goes in the open and kills its culprits, since we might never be able to do that... we can use the covert channel. It happened during the cold war, it can happen now.
Sat Sep 28 02:45:00 2002
Name:Ramanna A
Your Views:how many more incidents like this need to happen before india retaliates? What reason can the government give for inaction against pakistan for so long ? Government of india is answerable for the People of india, not for the U.N or U.S or any other nation. If attacking pakistan is in the interest of the people of india, then it must start acting right now.
Sat Sep 28 02:45:06 2002
Your Views:We are neither a hard nor soft state. Its just that we have political leaders who are used to being bombastic themselves and to being constantly being toadied to by sycophants. As a result, they rant and rave about "hot pursuit" and the like but don't have the ability to plan and execute even the slightest plan. Its incompetence that's the issue not intent. And to find the useless L K Advani being compared to Sardar Patel can't but send anyone sensible into paroxyms of laughter. I guess organizing a Rathyatra is quite a bit different from meaningful statecraft.
Sat Sep 28 02:46:07 2002
Your Views:There is no question we are a soft state. Pakistan, pretty much knows, no matter what they do, India will only go so far. I know this is not an easy decision, but there needs to be some kind of reprocussions to their actions.
Sat Sep 28 02:46:19 2002
Your Views:Enough is Enough, time to give back!
Sat Sep 28 02:46:55 2002
Your Views:Ofcourse we are soft state. Even worse we are a kid state. The one which complains to US every time some terrorisy action happens, blames Pakistan for everything but is gutless to do something about it. I am so embarrased to have voted to such a spineless government like this. Shame on all of us. We are the worst kind of people on the earth. We have no self respect and no courage. We are selfish people who want things to happen miraculously by US but are too afraid to take some decisive actions ourselves or sacrifice our "oh so special" lives.
Sat Sep 28 02:47:24 2002
Name:Hussain Ahmed
Your Views:Of course we are a soft state. My ancestors were forcibly converted to islam, by invading aurangzeb army. my family kept secret records and I discovered that my great great ... grandmother was raped in her hindu parents' home and the "illegitimate" children became muslims.
Sat Sep 28 02:47:25 2002
Name:Jitesh Menon
Your Views:If we know that an all out war can destroy our emerging economy, then we should look at other means of letting Pakistan know what a proxy war means. The proxy war should be taken to the enemy.
Instead of beefing up our military with costly weapons , we should spend more on intelligence. I think there are plenty of groups in Pakistan that can do the job of disintegrating Pakistan given money and material. More effort and investment , therefore, is needed for our intelligence to knockout Pakistan into harmless bits. Divide and Rule. That should be our motto with Pakistan.
Sat Sep 28 02:47:36 2002
Your Views:It Looks Like since the so called Neta's do nothing about fighting Terror. Saying we have come to last chapter of Terrorisim doent help until all the citizen are able to walk out on streets without Fear of beign a target for AK47/AK56,and not live as rufuge in their own country.
It is a curse for india to have political parties and politicians who occupy the chairs based on caste reservations. Most of the us had only heard about "Divide and Rule" during British rule but we are seeing it for real now. No party is fit for preaching the high human values which has been laid for us by our ancestors.
Sat Sep 28 02:48:22 2002
Name:Sourav Sengupta
Your Views:yes.. there's no need to elaborate.. i guess the commoner knows it all and lives with it.. until the people raise their voice, and for a change care about the country, instead of waiting for the politicians to.. nothing will change
Sat Sep 28 02:49:10 2002
Your Views:We are the most scared people. We know what our military strenght is compared with pak and yet we are scared to attack them. We think that someone else like America would come and help us out; but we forget that its our problem, no one would come to help us out. we need to solve ourselves. We are afraid thinking what others(US) would think if we attach pak. Well they would talk for a day or two and then forget. We need to be like Isreal and solve our own problems. We need a politician like Sardar Vallabhai Patel to attath pak and destroy the roots of terrisiom.
Sat Sep 28 02:50:00 2002
Your Views:I think we are a very soft and corrupt state. Most of our politician's children and relatives don't even live in India. Most of our politician's money is not india and they have no interest in the well being of India and it does not matter who lives or dies as long as they are safe, their children in US and UK are safe; their money is safe in swiss bank accounts. They are happy lot. This is the problem with most of the ruling class in India. I would go as far as to say problem with all the developing countries. The developed countries are happier because they easily exploit the people of any country if their country leaders are acting against the self interest of their people. We should learn from western countries only one thing: your country is the best place for you and you should defend the freedom with your life if you have to. No sacrifice is too great for your people or your country. But as long as we are ruled by cowards, there will not be any progress or peace.
Sat Sep 28 02:50:11 2002
Name:Vijay Kerji
Your Views:We are restraining ourselves beacuase of the fear of nuclear bomb capability of Pakistan. We have fought wars against them won before. But now the scene has changed. India need to be catious. Instead of waging the war single handedly, India should put political pressure from around the world on Pakistan to thwart the terrorism.
Sat Sep 28 02:50:34 2002
Your Views:Yes we are.
Sat Sep 28 02:50:39 2002
Your Views:In practice we lack the vision and hence lack the strength. No one respects if you are weak. Once we start concentrating on equipping the armed forces, we can do appropriately what we think is right. And to take on pakistan we do not even have to sweat too much. Just a little bit of foresight a muscle power will do.
Sat Sep 28 02:50:54 2002
Name:Shyamal Desai
Your Views:Historically, we have been soft. We have not defended ourselves from any attack until now, except from pakis, a couple of times. -We have never negotiated with any terrorist successfully as the long list proves starting from Mufti Mohammed sayeed's daughter to planes hijacked... or even veerappan !
-"bangladesh" & "Pak" has the the guts to kill our soldiers and get away with it. -inspite of world opinion that pak started kargil, we did not take advantage of it by crossing the LOC and destroying their infrastructure -What does a no first strike mean in nuclear parlance? It is effectively saying that you kill millions first in our country, then we will strike with our nulcear weapons. what kind of policy is that ?
-The government can't deal with even small issues as public prayers and graves in the middle of a busy road. They bow down to religious dictates of regular johns.
-We don't even broach the subject of occupied kashmir !!
None of us know what the Shimla agreement is. -Kailash lies with china !
Even the softest guy reacts when u keep slapping him. I am sure we will react too. I hope so...
Sat Sep 28 02:51:02 2002
Name:krishna kadaru
Your Views:Yes i think we are a soft state. Instead of always succumbing to the threats of terrorists we need to fight them and take proactive steps. Think of some incidents as the kabul air plane hijacking or the kidnap of some VIP for release of some terrorist , we have always succumber to the terrorists. May be it is time we make some law in the country where we never succumb to threats even if the son of a big politician is kidnapped or anything that happens. We cannot keep jeopardising the lives of thousands of other fellow citizens just for saving the life of some couple of people who are kith and kin of decision makers of the country. It is high time we get a law of that sort. But think of country like india where the politicians are not ready to make a law where convicted people are barred to contest in polls. So if they are openly showing that they are afraid to do so becuase of the laiaisons between the criminals and politicians we cannot expect even this rule to come into play. It all takes a iron will to get some laws like that. We have always been soft even with rougue states like pakistan who made us waste a lot of money on wars like kargil and still the situation is no better.
Sat Sep 28 02:51:09 2002
Name:Ashish Jalan
Your Views:Yes we are a soft state! Please dont ask these questions again and again and again. We, the common people are fed up of politicians. They would say that Akshardham seige was a victory for India. Victory against whom? You don't know who your enemies are. This is just one more election stunt that junta is going to see. Please, we have lost our faith in so called 'government'. We don't feel protected when we are at home. Neither we do when we are outside. Let apart trains and planes, we now don't want to go to temples and mosques. It is very frustrating to being played upon by the so called leaders who can do nothing. Are politicians hearing? No they will never. So why do you come up with such silly questions to waste our time?
Sat Sep 28 02:51:18 2002
Name:Srinivas Y
Your Views:Defintely soft, passive and direction less. The policy should be as per the security needs of the country. Peoples security is of paramount importance.
Sat Sep 28 02:51:18 2002
Your Views:yes we are! any country that does nothing after its parliment is attacked is a soft state. a country that lets itself be the doormat of the world is a soft state
Sat Sep 28 02:51:30 2002
Name:Sunil Pai
Your Views:Yes. Yes. Yes. Since Aug 15th 1947 we are a soft state. We were smaller soft states before that as well. Administration is a concept that fails to touch the Indian people and if there were a few able administrators they were considered as too strong handed (Sardar Patel).
In UN we are always on the wrong side either supporting Cuba or some other God forsaken country and we bear the brunt from the West for doing so. Since independence we have lost land to China and Pakistan. Despite winning wars against Pakistan we opt to have a soft stand against them. Mr Powell in a recent speech to congress reiterated the concept of first strike. We say we will not strike with a nuclear weapon. Stupid us... there are very few chances of striking second and winning a nuclear war but we are oblivious of that concept too. We could not wrest back all the land that was in dispute during the Kargil conflict. The whole Kashmir issue started with the centers weak stand towards the kidnapping of Rubina Sayed. The IC 814 hijacking was a fiasco. We could not control the LTTE, We are unable to capture Veerapan. Statehood is a concept we have to learn but we are confused about it beyond any recognition
Sat Sep 28 02:51:30 2002
Name:venkata reddy
Your Views:The meaning of softness should be defined first in this context. If somebody calls it softness when our "great" politicians are only mouth platitudes, it would be foolish to call it softness.
It is Impotence. These lazy and mindless politicians were not capable to save themself when terrorists attacked parliament. How one can expect them to save a common man who is praying in a temple. It is the people who can save themself by electing leaders who will think about country but not them self and their seats. It may looks like too much to expect but it is the only thing which can save India.
Sat Sep 28 02:51:46 2002
Name:Chandrakant Joshi
Your Views:Sir,
All Indian lives should be equal in value. If a PAKI terrorist kills Indian Prime Minister or an Ordianry citizen, We should react in the same way..If the terrorists who killed devotees in Gujarat are Indians or Indian Muslims rahter, then it's fine..We can bring the culprits to book. No action against PAK is justified in that case. But if we are sure that the terrorists are PAKIS, then we should take harsh action against PAK. I think that will send a message that this kind of a mischief will not be tolerated by us. Otherwise we aer just sending a message that Indians are cowards...
Sat Sep 28 02:52:18 2002
Name:Manu Nair
Your Views:Ofcourse!
India is a soft state. The fact that Jaswant Singh negotiated with the terrorists, caved into their demands and then humiliated himself and the whole Indian race by accompanying those pre-adamite terrorists is a testament to that! Spineless nation with spineless leaders. But why just blame the leaders? When terrorists hijacked the plane, the relatives and neighbors of the family that started public demontrations in order to force the government to release the terrorists are also to be blamed! Unlike the American families that asked their members on highjacked plane to be strong and even blessed them to try to subdue the terrorists, Indian's were going to Temples, churches and Mosques! Please don't shift the blame. India is a soft state because Indians are spineless and soft!
Sat Sep 28 02:53:07 2002
Name:Sarfaraz Nasir
Your Views:We are not soft target on which anyone can attack just like that. We are a strong nation. Our politicians need to take some strong action against those who commit these types of crime on innocent people. Our politicians are only good to blame people across the border and they think that their duty is over. This has been happening since last many years. I think, our politicians need to seat together (ALL PARTIES) and come up with a solution that helps us resolve this issue forever. India was great, India is great and India will remain great.
Sat Sep 28 02:54:00 2002
Your Views:Of course we are a soft target!! We may shout loudly otherwise out of patriotism or ignorance (depending on who is talking), but the matter of the fact is, we Indians have become easy targets and terrorists are getting away with every single time. No other country in this world is at the receiving end from a "terrorist setup by a failing country" from across the border for such a long time while we Indians having such a vast resources at our disposal. Now the situation is still worse with uncle SAM in the region and any one who things of taking any action in the region will end up dealing with uncle SAM directly on the wrong side. The only way out I see is we Indians, collectively must become stronger economically and militarily to stand up to these double standardized world to achieve a real, long lasting solution to this menace.
Any one suggesting an easy out (like the politicians' rhetoric) will take us no where but backwards in time. Solution to this pestering menace is in the hands of common man to swear for them selves to make this country stronger. We are certainly in for a long and tough run to change this status, until then WE are a soft target!!
Sat Sep 28 02:54:13 2002
Name:Sanjay A
Your Views:India is very much perceived as a soft state by terrorist organizations and some countries around the world. This kind of perception about India should be sending alarm bells ringing in the entire government machinery and this has started happening recently in the last 4 years. Before that Indians were completely oblivious to this fact, thanks to our ignorant and spineless leaders. Nonetheless, the performance of the government, both central and state, in the recent terrorist attack in Akshardham Temple in Gujarat, has been very good. Indians as well have started to realize the futility in engaging in communal clashes (though the real culprits should be punished to the highest extent possible). Times do justify increased vigilance and alertness on part of all citizens to thwart any evil designs of our enemies (internal and external). We also need to take pre-emptive actions when particular actions are expected. The cost of engaging India with terrorists and other guerilla tactics need to be increased, so that our enemies can learn a lesson. But, our response should be calibrated, well planned and given at a time and place of our choosing.
Sat Sep 28 02:54:26 2002
Your Views:Of Course! This question does not pertain to Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians, but India as a whole. We are strong enough only to counter an attack or provide a strong defense. But when time calls for offense, our country starts thinking about suitable defense tactics, and before we know, the timeline passes us by. This is not something new,'cos it happens all the time. The initial hesitation, or mindless outburst about every single situation lasts only for that moment and never prolongs beyond. It is ironic when we can witness the country unite when Sachin comes onto the field; but when they hear of jawans dying on the border, people switch over to some Zee TV serial or those Top 10 songs. Corruption has allowed us to accept the norm, rather than questioning or trying to change it. This can be witnessed in every movie- when the baddies beat up a poor guy or molest a girl;the crowd just watches the show. No one wants to take the initiative. Unless this attitude change occurs in the common man, a strong India will be just another vision laid out by our ailing and aging PM and his band of oldies. Key word is attitude-change,and that will shape a new and strong india.
Sat Sep 28 02:54:27 2002
Your Views:yes we are soft state.if only our politicians were true indians,they would have dared to remove the menace of cross border terrorism by going to POK and destroy the camps there.our politicians are more interested in fame and money.
Sat Sep 28 02:54:31 2002
Name:Mohit K. Prasad
Your Views:Heck yes! When the middle-class doesn't even have the balls to cast their vote for fear of 'dangaa-fasaad' how can they expect to get politicians with the balls to go to war. Next time guys, go vote.
Sat Sep 28 02:54:41 2002
Your Views:Absolutely. These politicians don't care a damn for Hindus.
Offcourse we have a few people like Advani who if given a free hand can crush this menace. It is high time all pseudo-secularists are put in jail in India. May be even somebody like Jayalalitha can be more decisive and attack our enemy country. She is not at the center but what I am saying is we need people with guts. She took a clean stand on Verappan issue & has not budged. In no way are our politicians going to help. They are cowards.
Sat Sep 28 02:54:43 2002
Name:Virender Singh
Your Views:tell me one thing how many examples do you require to convince yourself that we are a soft state.
Sat Sep 28 02:56:05 2002
Name:Arvind Kumar
Your Views:Yes We are..!!!
Sat Sep 28 02:56:10 2002
Name:Amrita Ghosh
Your Views:India is a country where we believe in secularism and unity in diversity, which no "black power" in the world can hamper or tear our national fabric, no matter how much they try. we all know how US punished the oppresive talibans with all power let loose, but we citizens of india has one appeal to our govt.... that is to protect "our basic right to live" which is being delibartely threatened by our jinjoistic neighbour pakistan and its nortured terrorist camps. If US govt can protect its citizens right to live why cant our govt?? As peaceloving humans we all hate war but we cant let a foreign regime destroy our peace , our resources or our national honor.India must take punitive measure aganist pakistan. its high time to teach Islamabad a lesson !! we must convince the US, Britain or our friend Russia that pakistan is indeed violating our sovereignty. We must rise above personal aspirations and punish those who did worong to our nation, otherwise we will loose our face to our future generations. As peace loving humans, we all hate war but punishing someone who did wrong to my country is what is called "Justice" and seeking justice cant be wrong.
Sat Sep 28 02:56:54 2002
Your Views:Answer is "NO". Indian is piling up weapons and politicians feel guilty because of their deeds. Everyone living in the country should have equal opportunity to live in the place. Good leader emphasizes this fact instead of generating "animosity" using religion. I am looking forward to a "visionary leader" who can unite country instead of making country sensitive based on the religion. There is poverty, unemployment and health problems.
Sat Sep 28 02:56:54 2002
Your Views:I feel India is becoming a soft target. India needs to get it's act together. Take this case to International Court of Justice and accuse pakistan of not able to keep it's citizen in control, and give warning in UN that next action will evoke militery retaliation. Once this is convincingly proved, and warning given, we should take military action immidiately after another such act of terrorism takes place. we should now fight a freedom fight. A fight for freedom from Terror. It's better to die with honour than getting killed every day. Inidan industry will suffer a short down turn but will come back very soon after any war. We must take the resolve and see the end of the enemy. It's now or never. We need not bother about if america. It'll just be a spectator in any case.
Sat Sep 28 02:57:25 2002
Name:Chanchal Chatterjee
Your Views:India has repeatedly demonstrated that she is unable to act after constant attacks from islamic militants. Such inaction encourages further attacks deeper within India. Definitely, India is a soft state and unless India demonstrates guts to act, we will be worse victims for islamic violence.
Sat Sep 28 02:57:25 2002
Name:Kamal Patel
Your Views:Why are you even asking this question? Of course the answer is YES. What have we (our government) done to protect territorial integrity of India? What have we done to protect Kashmiri pundits who let me remind you ARE Indians? It is just as if we are too used to getting our Indians killed by evil-doers. A nation is not its mountains and buildings but mostly its people. I beg to our government to protect lives of Indians.
Jai Hind,
Sat Sep 28 02:57:35 2002
Your Views: yes..india is a soft state and has been a soft state for years and centuries now.Otherwise we would'nt have the presistent headache of Pakistan.Also a mosquito like Bangladesh who got independence because of us dares to kill away our soldiers and get away with it.What can be a more sorry state.we care too much about the US reaction and hence take no action at all.This stupid.there is no country as selfish as the US.People there do not give a damn to what happens to India.I am sure 95% of them cannot locate where India is on the map.
Sat Sep 28 02:57:39 2002
Your Views:I don't believe India is a soft state. It takes lot of courage, and strength to show restraint. Violence is a visious cycle. Shooting from the hip doesn't solve problems unless we are willing to go all the way, and die in the process. We should wait till Pakistan completes elections and not give an excuse to its rulers to reschedule or cancel them on the pretext of a war. Once elections are over the electorate might over throw the regime anyway. India has waited 40+ yrs to resolve Kashmir situation, without doing much to improve the living standard of Kashmiries. Improving living standards will reduce the fuel for militancy and encourage partnership for a better life to Kashmiries and Indians as well.
Sat Sep 28 02:58:07 2002
Name:Nagendra Murti
Your Views:Absolutely. We are soft - lets face it. From the time Nehru sought UN intervention instead of giving the army a free hand to date, we have always done things to "impress" the west. We need a dynamic leadership who can handle the west - dont listen to their double speak, but liason with them well enough to retain normal trade relations (which is important) and handle our neighbour to the west - by calling their nuclear war bluff and show them that we are bigger and stronger - really.
Sat Sep 28 02:58:23 2002
Your Views:Of course we are, we are just talking people. Even though we know that they are coming from pakistan, we are not doing anything. They snatched a part of kashmir we didn't do anything, they killed our military men and their families we didn't do anything, they blasted at our parlament house and we were motion less, we indians are just cowards. thats for sure, we dont have that courage to go after our enimies.
Sat Sep 28 02:59:06 2002
Name:Ram Krishnamurthy
Your Views:The attacks are truly outrageous and deserve all condemnation. The way this question is posed however, may ill-serve what may be purpose of this forum and render it an outlet for hawks to cry hoarse. Before
contemplating on what we may do across the border, let us reflect on the state of our society and try to address the several ills that dog it. The ability to honestly assess the harsh realities and to act diligently to change them requires great courage and fortitude. Can our politicians and the rest of us
contemplate on how vitiated the the society in Gujarat has become due to these attacks as well as the communal violence that preceded it? Can they seriously
resolve to do their utmost to maintain communal amity there and to provide succour to the many affected people, regardless of how politically damaging
such actions may be (in the short run)? Can all of us sincerely accept the many mistakes we as a nation have committed that has alienated the people in J&K and try to address them? Can our government resolve to sincerely do everthing they can to improve the economic prospects of the people of J&K? If we provide them jobs and opportunities to improve their well-being militantcy will surely lose much of its local support. Once we as a nation display the moral fortitude necessary to address these problems, tackling our ill-wishers across the border will become a much
easier task.
Sat Sep 28 02:59:11 2002
Your Views:Of course, we are soft like mawa! Advani says war on terror will continue, when did it begin? If it has begun I missed it.
Sat Sep 28 02:59:23 2002
Your Views:Our Politicians have no formal training in matters of security/military or policing. They are just civilians. Instead of blaming the Politicians, provide them with cammando training. teach them to think like commandos. Especially Politicians with defence and internal security portfolios.
yes with the current bunch of civilians we are very very soft targets. We need to attack Pakistan and defend our soverignty and freedom
Sat Sep 28 02:59:45 2002
Name:harminder singh
Your Views:in my opinion, our politicians hasn't convinced the world leaders about the state in kashmir and do not have diplomatic capability like musharaff and also no political will to teach pakistan a lesson..
We actually are not loyal to our nation. Look at the views from political parties . atleast at this point they should stand unitedly and defend the country.
Sat Sep 28 03:00:01 2002
Your Views:To my knowledge, India is a soft state. India has shown the maximum restriant towards terrorist countries and terrorism for the past many years.
It is time that we realise the ground situation and realities which are forced upon us. By this, I do not mean that we subdue gun by gun. But we need to use our intelligence inputs to evolve such a strategy that our enemies will think many times before they start a mis adventure in our country.
Thus, Our intelligence agencies really holds a sway in this matter.
Sat Sep 28 03:00:22 2002
Your Views:Yes, we unfortunately is a soft state because we can speak with mouth not with the returning guns, but now blood demands blood to remember the blood of innocents. The old and sick leaders of our country needs replacement with the strong personality who should be tough and bold so that to speak with courage and action to eradicate the enemy and torrorists.
Sat Sep 28 03:00:38 2002
Name:Mike Noustin
Your Views:Most certainly, India is one. A very soft state as a matter of fact! India should take her cue from what Israel has been through and done. Back in the late 60s or early 70s (before Munich), Israel tried dealing with these people in good faith by acceding to the demands of some terrorists whao had taken hostages. They quickly realized that not only did it get them nowhere, but that the terrorists were infact emboldened. The question one should ask is, is India, the Indian people, and the government of India, capable of learning the lesson Israel learned? How many times do these atrocities have to happen before India takes any kind of action?
Sat Sep 28 03:01:00 2002
Your Views:I dont think we are a soft state, but our incompetent politicians (i cant associate the word 'leaders' with them) with all their gimicks and selfishness make us out to be one. They have no commitment to solve the problems of our country, sometimes i wonder if they even know what the problems are. I urge these idiots... for once' be selfish for your country instead of yourself. please Mr.Vajpayee, do not tell the world again that 'our patience is not unlimited'.. u'r making a joke of my country. Its high time people of india asked our government to spell a concrete policy of how they'r going to get rid of pakistan. My heartfelt sympathies for the people of kashmir for their suffering and our brave jawans on the border who have to serve on the whims of our weak and moronic ministers. Maybe we shud have a military dictator of our own!!!!!!!!
Sat Sep 28 03:01:05 2002
Your Views:Yes, we are actually inactive morons. Our politicians lack the guts to solve any kind of problem, including foreign aggression. In fact, I think no other country would have remained silent so far. I don't think this has got anything to do with foreign pressure or anything like that, but it is just that our politicians lack the basic will and guts to make aggresive decisions. Yes we need to be aggressive and assertive at times, otherwise nobody will respect us. There has to be the right balance between aggression and thoughtfulness. For example, today in US, most Americans believe that pakistan is their ally in terrorism, can you believe it? Nobody even cares for India, nobody even knows that a million people have died due to terrorism. This is all because our failure in pursuing an aggresive foreign policy and catering to the whims and fancies of other countries like the US. So today our very sovereignity and security is under a great threat! But I don't see any way out with our country being run by greedy, powerhungry and gutless politicians who are ever ready to leave on the left overs and the remains of the western world! We Indians are born to be slaves!
Sat Sep 28 03:01:20 2002
Your Views:Yes we are definitely a soft state. US, without any concrete evidence is ready to attack Iraq for self defence. But India cannot attack Pakistane even though everybody knows Pakistan is creating terror in India. Israel can attack Plaestenians anytime and world says nothing. India even if just indicates that they want to attack pak, world start crying. they want India to suffer while other countries have the right of self defence. Crazy world and crazy that Indian leadership is not taking the path of self defence as US is taking.
Sat Sep 28 03:01:23 2002
Name:Venkatesh Jagadeeshwara
Your Views:Unless there is internal security it is not possible to win the war against the terrorist. Internal security not involves Security from the police, it also involves removal of poverty and fight against injustice. Judiciary and the police force should be just and impartial and it should also be beyond the influence of our politicians. External forces are simply using the weakness in out society.
Sat Sep 28 03:01:58 2002
Name:Wilson Fernando
Your Views:I have complete confidence in our ability to secure our Nation from terrorist. If we are not able to succeed to do that. It means we are giving into international pressure. America wants to attack Iraq because it is a problem for them (not for the world). bush went on to say " it is a uniquely american issue" similarly pakistan is purely uniquely an Indian issue. And India ought to do something about it. The resolve to solve the problem of terrorism has been missing with Indian politicians for a decade and hence giving India an image of being a soft state. The leaders of this great nation should take punitive action against the evil doers to protect the future of our children and our grand children. We as responsible citizens should make sure that the Government we elect is capable of delivering according to the sensibilities of the Nation. The Nation wants an Answer and is looking towards the leaders to take action. Yes Indeed !! I think Terming as "soft state" would be entirely correct.
Sat Sep 28 03:02:21 2002
Your Views:Absolutely YES. It 's a no brainer. In which islamic country, muslims have as much freedom as they have in India and USA? It is frustrating that 'impotent' politicians and directionless/valueless congress exploit/pamper muslims at the cost of national interest. It is a matter of time that land between Pakistan and Malayasia become Islamic. Shame on the us-the current generation- who can not maintain (forget about expanding)the great culture our rishis/sages built.
Sat Sep 28 03:02:55 2002
Your Views:soft and coward. Why don't we take stringent measures in destroying the culprits. we know who are they and no govern had/has the guts to act upon them 'coz of these vote bank politics. Our govt/people do not realize the value of a person's life. They always act after every thing is complete. An able administration always realizes the problems before they come into the picture. The govt/people think we have the forces (army, commandos etc) who can sacrifice their lives after a seizure or a kidnap or what not. Even the Army heads think that way. I always believed in the qoute, "To save many, we can sacrifice/kill few" So before the time is up, wake up and vanish the culprits/terrorists/their followers/even the people who hide them/shleter them/support them(verablly also and moniterly). Vanish all the poloticians who talk in support of them. Other wise , One day we will be refugees in our own mother land. We have already given a lot of room for the culprits, and i don't want to give them any more. And lastly , None of us needs your words, we need action in any possible manner as i said, to save many , you might have to go thru some innocents, and if i am that innocent, i take it.
Sat Sep 28 03:03:10 2002
Name:S Sehgal
Your Views:Everyday I see, victims of impotent democracy and incompetent diplomacy. Vajpayee and his government reminds us of a Neville Chamberlain government in World War II....appeasers, gutless and full of illusions. But most frustrating thing is that a bunch of terrorists can bring the whole country to standstill. "Bharat Bandh !!"...what in the world is that ? were you born with brain at all ? and I wonder why not our shrewd neighbour should have laugh on us..... If you have to fight war anyway...why not now ?
Sat Sep 28 03:03:54 2002
Name:JIgar Shah
Your Views:Whether we really are a soft target can only be answered after a few days from today. However, if the country's politicians just keep giving threats to Pakistan that we will do this and we will do that and no Action in the end...they will continue with such activities. Look at US and its aggressive policy towards any country that threatens the lives of its citizens ! Are Indian lives less valuable ? Its always Tit for Tat and unless some ACTION is taken...there is no reason to beleive that Pakistan will stop cross border terrorism !
Ya....I would agree that so far we have been a soft target !! Neone...can come and attack us cuz our country is run by old people who can just talk !
Sat Sep 28 03:04:13 2002
Your Views:It is easy to start a war against Pakistan. Though the Pakis deserve a serious butt kicking, I guess we should not act in haste. We need to provide a well thought out response. We should first launch a fullscale attempt to make Pak look like an outcaste barbaric state in the international viewpoint, by presenting proof of their involvement to the world and by doing some serious lobbying. We should try other avenues. If these attempts dont succeed, we should go hit the terror camps in POK using a commando style operation. The world wont condemn us then. However one thing is clear, India cannot expect the US or the UK to protect its interests. The US and the UK would only do what suits their own interests. We need to defend ourselves. The very fact that our commandoes silenced the welltrained terrorists in a short timeframe shows that we are strong and not softbellied.
Sat Sep 28 03:04:22 2002
Name:Ramu Jayakumar
Your Views:Before we blame others, we need to do lot more work, to improve home land secuirity. Find out all terrorist groups, impose very strict punishment and good tracking system , stop infilteration etc.. Also, We need to form a real ally to fight , we just cannot fight alone. Explain the other countries with solid proof. Our neighbhour is blackmailing with nuclear. That is dangerous if we just go to war alone, it requires lots of diplomatic work and time to make understand other countries.
Sat Sep 28 03:04:26 2002
Name:Pranay Gandhi
Your Views:It was a sad day for all humanity when two terrorists attacked the Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar. What kind of hatred is it that drives such youngsters to such horrible crimes? Another aspect that truly saddens the heart is the unnecessary death of NSG subedar Yadav, who gave up his life at Akshardham. If he and his comrades from the NSG were issued NVG's (Night Vision Goggles), the darkness of the night could have been utilized to the advantage of the commandos. Brig. Seetapathi, as has been reported in the media, would not have had to hold up the NSG counter action till dawn. I see no analysis of the NSG action at Akshardham, only obituaries to the bravery of the NSG commando. But, why do such brave sons of India have to die at the hands of these terrorists. If the NSG is equipped with the latest in counter-terrorist equipment, and their superb training utilized accordingly and not as high profile bodyguards of corrupt politicians will the NSG aquit itself with flying colors as they did in the Black Thunder operation. My condolences to the family of Subedar Yadav and to all the victims of the atrocity at Akshardham.
Sat Sep 28 03:04:48 2002
Your Views:Instead of blaming other states, we can improve our security system first. Let us give some good modern equipments and more powers to our guards. It is miserable to see our cops with old guns and terrorists with AK47. Let us make a complete investigation, ascertain whether the assailants are from enemy country or our own country men against particular community, and then blame others. If it is from enemy country, why not we take it up in proper level of international forum, rather than crying all times.Let us act firm and with focus.
Do not politicalise every issue.
Sat Sep 28 03:04:50 2002
Name:rohan malkhare
Your Views:It is wrong to say that our politicians only mouth platitudes without taking any action. Without rigorously examining the reality, the media is quick to blame the politicians for India being a so-called soft state. The reality is that there are very little options before India due to the fact the Pakistan has become a nuclear state and International powers are continuing to arm Pakistan to the teeth . The analogies drawn with Israel and the US are not very sensible since in Israel's case , the enemy have no organised army or sophisticated weapons and for the US , their geographical position permits them to make war without suffering proportionate destruction in return . For India , we do not have the luxury of geographical isolation or overwhelming technological superiority over our enemy . It must be remembered that even one of the greatest military machines of all time, the Soviet Union, was humbled by the Jihadi terrorist policy. India has not succumbed to terror. Nation's resoluteness was evident when the commandos won the ferocious gun battle at Akshardham . Politicians , temple authorities , police and common citizens must be due credit for the success at Akshardham .
Sat Sep 28 03:05:15 2002
Your Views:I don't know what to call our
incapabilties to guard the borders, soft, careless?? It is ridiculous to let people cross the borders and let them create havoc in our peaceful nation. I would suggest to seal all the borders. No bus or train to Pakistan no samjauta express. On the eastern front seal our borders with Bangladesh and
stop infiltration to Assam. Unless we do something about infiltration we can keep shooting ourselves on the foot.
Sat Sep 28 03:05:22 2002
Name:Subhas Sarkar
Your Views:No doubt we are a soft state. As a nation we do not have the backbone. As individuals most are incompetent, which reflects in the capabilities of our security forces (military/ police/ etc). We lack the "killer instinct" which is the nature's requirement of survival. We are a bunch of corrupt people, obviously our elected representatives are like us. If in doubt, just think what Israel (or China) would have done under similar situations and you will know what I mean. Another proof : when you say such things in Indian gatherings, no one gets offended. Unless there is an individual pride, there would be no national pride. Therefore, the starting point has to be "I am proud to be an Indian. Do not mess with me, or else I shall bust your ass."
Sat Sep 28 03:05:41 2002
Name:Vasu Mahadasu
Your Views:We are a tolerent state for the most part. There is a fine line between a tolerence and weak. If we were the US or Isreal, we would have destroyed every fabric of civilization. Bombed them repeatedly into submission.
Sat Sep 28 03:06:22 2002
Name:Sumit batra
Your Views:Our leaders are the coward leaders in the world. First we were attacked by muslims and ruled by them, than came british. Do we ever learn? Our leader worry about themself, as long as they are in power ( making money), screw the country and it's people.Military should take control of India and give a message to world that if they don't punish the terrorist countries than the democracy will go away..
Also why the hell india released the hardcore terrorist in return for hijacked plane..India should have deployed the nuclear weeopns at Afganistan and will bet you that whole world had come to resolve the hijack crisis or they would have given AIDS or some deadly vaccine to the terrorist and have released them
Stupid leadership and why the hell military is not going against the leadership is surprising
Sat Sep 28 03:06:36 2002
Your Views:Yes indeed ! We are 100% soft state. We negotiate with terrorists and accept their demands insted of cracking on them firmly. We have freed terorists on many occations when people are taken hostage. Pakistan is supporting terrorists activities in India for more than a decade. First it was in Punjab and then in Kashmir. Thousands of innocents are killed but India has failed to take any firm action against Pakistan. India should learn from Israel and USA and take action (military) against Pakistan
Sat Sep 28 03:06:50 2002
Your Views:Yes..we are a soft state.For example, compare the country to its cricket team.In the recent past we were labelled as a team of losers,one with less mental toughness etc.Now the players act tough and thus not only they are winning matches for the country ,they also get the kudos from opposing teams.Remember Steve Waugh mentioning that Saurav is arrogant and then later when he found that the team is playing well,he was the one who mentioned that Saurav is the right captain for the team.This is what the Indian govt should also follow.Act tough within all limits of decency.If my neighbor jumps into my compund and peeps into my sisters bedroom then am going to thrash him.Am not worried what other neighbors may think, because as a human being you are supposed to show aggression when its required, else sacrifice all worldly pleasures and be a sadhu.Its been a while the politicians are talking,now they have to translate it into action.When you are being tough the opponents will hesitate before trying another nuisance.If the politicians feel they cant control the sitauation then impose Presidents rule and let the army take over.If a citizen is not secure in front of his deity that is nadir!
Sat Sep 28 03:06:52 2002
Your Views:Talking about soft????
We became not just soft, totally liquified..Anybody can come in and seperate us.
Politicians, how can you expect anything from them? they are just traders..looking for profits...nothing to do with National pride for them. They will give some talks on this attack till next one.
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