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'We are getting what we deserve'
Wed Oct 2 21:43:22 2002
Your Views:you ask are we a soft state ? we are a cowardly state with shitty attitude towards our own country with bunch of B^%&^%* ruling the country. what is the big deal, let some one capture us, screw us, let us go back to history and let one of us become another Gandhi. no problem, show the people who slap another side so they can complete their job. why else do we have to get a public opinion, the whole nation is crying and shouting to teach the B^%$%&*# a lesson and here we are getting a pat on the back from US as though they care. Nobody will support a country which cannot survive, cannot look after its own pride.all we have in our politicians sick group is a bunch of traitors and cowards.
Wed Oct 2 23:44:13 2002
Your Views:hey i agree with deepak, NRIs are always keen on sending Indians to war, while they sit pretty under uncle samms protection. cut it u NRIs.
Thu Oct 3 06:36:51 2002
Name:Aishwarya Kumar
Your Views:It's simply amazing to me the number of people who've posted messages supporting war with Pakistan. I guess as humans we love to see destruction, which is nothing but sadistic. How many of these people have stopped to think what the costs of war will be? Who will suffer? Only the family of those who're actually fighting. But how many of us care for the families of soldiers. Seems not many if one reads the comments on this message board. But for one moment, put yourself in their shoes. Will you still be happy (and enthusiastic about war) if your dad/brother/husband/boyfriend has to go fight and runs the risk of losing his life. Death is inevitable in war. And think of how much resource (money, capital, natural resources) a nation loses on going to war. What did India accomplish through Kargil? Did cross-border terrorism stop? What did the US accomplish by bombing Afghanistan? Newspapers say Al-Qaeda is still active. An eye for an eye is just gonna leave the entire world blind. We also need to keep in mind that both India and Pakistan claim to possess nukes,and if they're used,the effects would be much more colossal today than Hiroshima was.War definitely shouldn't be the way out.
Wed Oct 2 23:57:59 2002
Name:Siddhartha Khona
Your Views:Yes i am of the firm opinion that we are a Soft Nation. Else how could a country slightly bigger than the size of Maharashtra take liberties time and again. Inspite of knowing all the whereabouts of the Terrorists camps, investing so much money in intelligence etc we have not been able to do anything of consequence. We prefer our men being killed than us attacking the terrorists camps what an irony !! I guess the time has come when perhaps every citizen deep inside is thinking if are we fearing losing a war to Pakistan ?? Why are we allowing them such liberties ??
These questions perhaps only the corrupt politicians can answer !!
Thu Oct 3 00:14:33 2002
Your Views:Why do people keep blaming the politicians. We have elected them. It is as much our fault. We are a democracy. We are getting what we deserve. How do people like Jayalalitha and Laloo come to power. We vote for them. Each one has to look into ourselves and see what we can do to improve instead of crticisizing others.
Thu Oct 3 00:20:49 2002
Name:sridhar nuthi
Your Views:For all those people who are ever ready to blame our country, how many of you are ready to bring in some development there. The last thing that would help any nation to grow is blaming each other for the failures. Instead if all the Indians take the responsibility and work together, we can certainly make a difference. I am from andhra pradesh, but currently staying in USA. Want to come up with a dedicated group that takes up the task of bringing some changes like protecting the vedic heritage, providing resources like libraries so that poor people can access, take up community development activities, concentrate on healthy tomorrow ( we can't change rigid brains anyway). There are more than 2 million indians in USA alone and even if each one contributes 1$/month, we can make a lot of difference. and imagine if all the NRIs and resourcefull indians pool together some amount every month, we can change our great country and we can certainly bring a difference. Lets join hands and make a difference. It is a tough task, but with dedication and sincerity we can make it. After all we all have one thing in common. The blessings of Mother India and a Great Vedic Heritage.
Jai Hind.
Thu Oct 3 00:27:33 2002
Your Views:I definitely concur with some of the reader`s views here, like Mr.Deshpande`s and deepak`s. We have the wrong people in the right places. That is the only reason for India being a soft target and still a third world country. Even countries like USA and Japan have problems, but they have the people in power who implement the solutions, come whatever, because they love their fellow country men. We have been brought up in a play safe, care just for yourself, we are poor,we have billion people who cares for a few lives attitude, why not even the brave soldiers are given the due respect they deserve. All major powers are ruled by people who have served the country in the army and know what it takes for a nation to flourish, but look at us. As long as we are ruled by these Laloos, Mulayam Singhs, Modis and Abdullahs we are a soft target, to our own leaders why bother about the terrorists.
Thu Oct 3 00:30:07 2002
Your Views:Lets first talk about unity among ourselves rather than war with pakistan or politicians. For example Karnataka and Tamilnadu they fight each other for Kaveri water. Still there is no resolution. First people from all the states should think we are one and citizens of indian. For our people to realise this they need literacy. Once this is acheived then getting a good leader for a state or nation is no big deal. Then Pakistan will be on our mercy. Its easy for us to say go for war with pakistan. But no body know the actual consequences. In 52 years of Independence Congress looted our country for 45 years. We got to realise this, inorder to overcome this, stop talking all those nonsense over and over again. Let us help the illiterate to get educated and make them to realise what they are meant for.
Thu Oct 3 00:32:09 2002
Name:Vivek M
Your Views:The simple reason why Pakistan has upped the ante is because of the election turnout in Kashmir. They are also stung by ambassador Blackwells endorsement of Indian stand that Pakistan has helped infiltration. India is calm just because of the polls in Kashmir. War at this moment is what Anti India elements want at this time. Election process must be completed at all costs at this time.Then let the talks begin.If nothing comes out of the talks,keep war as the final option.
Thu Oct 3 00:34:22 2002
Your Views:We are not a soft state. We are a stupid state. We have no idea what we want. We keep moving and shifting, both, our stance and our focus. Since corruption runs so deep in our veins that it is making most of us simply incapable of doing anything positive. Because strength comes from inside, and we have been sucking our own blood for long. We are a weak state.
We are not a soft state. In a very determined way we have been able to prosecute people of Tehelka.com for exposing corruption. We have been able to get lots of out Jawans killed to handle just a bunch of terrorists in Kargil. And still call it a victory.
So we are not a soft state. We have been able to easily kill out own people at different times. We have been able to exploit our people to serve others. It takes some nerve to do that.
And for those knowledgeble people who know a lot about Israel and Britain & IRA. Well, you seem to be under the impression that there are only two ways. The Indian and the Israeli. The stupid and the repressive. Think before you talk dear.
Thu Oct 3 00:35:00 2002
Your Views:Just like the US bombed the already poor and blighted Afghanistan, we Indians should wrest Kashmir from any Pak control. Why does the US have the right to wipe entire countries and we don't? Our stupid 1947 leaders did not have a long-term strategy in place to ensure secularity - we've been paying for it for 55 years! For a nation with crushing poverty levels, we seem to spend limitlessly on our army and are losing good, brave folks every minute.Why???? Think about that for a minute folks..India is a big wimp with a colonial hangup that won't go away and with fast declining national values..it's time for radical change.
Thu Oct 3 00:51:59 2002
Your Views:I feel we are a soft state. By "we" i really mean the people of India as it's tehy who elect the govt. How many times have we heard and seen the same story unfold, taht a few hijackers demand release of thier fellow members against teh release of some politicians daughter, a plane load of Indians etc?? We the people have never rose to the ocassion saying that come what may we will never let our government kneel down and come to the negotiating table with a knife under our chin. We ourselves weaken teh goverment by asking them to give in to the demands of teh terrorist and hijackers, cuz we are by nature very self centred,selfish and have an utter disrespect for the country. Why has there never been an instance that the relatives of the people being kidnapped or hijacked telling the govt to give more weightage to teh pride of a nation or a billion people over the few who have been misfortunate to have been kidnapped. Its easy to say this when ones kin is not involved but courage never was a easy job. We simply want the fruits without paying any price. this has to stopp before we progress as a nation that counts.
Thu Oct 3 01:08:04 2002
Name:natarajan tanjore
Your Views:To all my illustrious nri brethens, please keep off this land! you chose to leave this country ( i am excluding those who have gone on official transfers!) so be bothered about whats happening in your chosen land! This country has a history of over 5000 years has survived great wars, natural calamities and still keeps going! We, do not, i repeat once again, do not, need any lessons from the yankee land with a barely two century old history to tell us how to think, act and react! Everyone knows that the US economy was on the brink of a disaster pre 9/11 and the incidents of 9/11 leave lots of question unanswered! When indian police says the terrorists at akshardam were pakis, the secular crazy media cries foul, demanding the proof of such identification! when USA claims that the hijackers of the plane were muslims, with no bodies to identified, everyone accepts it without a murmur! USA like Goebbels keeps churning out tales of terror to justify its unwarranted jingoistic policing of the world! finally for the souls who think its a case of sour grapes by a person who couldnt leave india, I have the requisite qualifications and the opportunities to migrate, which I have refused!
Thu Oct 3 01:21:31 2002
Name:subbiah sitaraman
Your Views:It is true that Indians are cowards. Because they die many a times facing these horrors of life.The question before us is very simple: "Decision Making" is the need of the hour. Unfortunately, we are all experts in "decision delaying" or "decision avoiding."under one pretext or other. As rightly told by Mr.Abraham Lincoln long back: To quote: "I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free." Abraham Lincoln [1809 - 1865] , 16th US President.
It is the law of nature that for anything there will be always another opposite one or version. We , Indians, study Geeta daily. We have no mind to take decisions.There is no Krishna nor Arjuna in this great land of Bharath., in the present context. Fear and freedom cannot go together.This is what is happening now. "fear can limit freedom", as President George W.Bush noted when he addressed the nation on September 20, 2001.Hence we are beating around the bush only.Or we are after Mr Bush.This is the irony here. To do soft pedalling means we invite or draw new evil on again. Face once for all and act with all boldness. save india is the slogan now on this day --gandhi-jayanthi day.
Thu Oct 3 01:36:10 2002
Your Views:mr.deepak,the NRI's care for their motherland just like the desis living in desiland. we want India to be on the forefront in all events,not just corruption and we have seen how after sept 11th,the viewpoint of the americans has changed.If you got any better bussiness,please do that.
We remain a soft target till we decide to be so. Give the indian army a free hand and you will see the change for yourself.
Thu Oct 3 01:37:49 2002
Name:Mahesh Kumar.M.V
Your Views:Yes , I agree to statement. We have never proven that we are strong to rest of world.We do have power, intelligence,etc, but lack a strong political system.Our leaders never stop quarelling among themselves and have never thought in broad sence as where we stand in world.Any Tom,dick and Harry can scare us.We need people like Swami Vivekananda who can inspire and awake people to learn morals and deciplines.We need to be hard in certain situations instead of being idealisitic.First we need to clean up our political system and elect people with strong values,deciplines and determination.We need to analyze how our neighbouring country i.e. China inspite of having so huge popuplation is so powerful then USA.We need rich and strong Government , not only rich and strong people.
Thu Oct 3 01:42:52 2002
Your Views:Wow, so many disparate views. I think most of them are NRI's is it. so armchair critics to say.We are a soft target is the questiona nd my opinion is which country is not a soft target. even US with all its power at its disposal couldn't prevent 9/11. Thus if terrorists are determined then any place would be found under protected. Next issue is are we a coward state. Again I beg to differ.We cannot attack pakistan in the present circumstances. We lsot whatever edge we had after 1998 nuclear blasts and the problem is that now any attack even a short term one will be responded by a nuclear strike which in all possibility cannot be thwarted. The next scenario is after bearing an attack we would finish them of, since we are no more binding on "No first use " now. Thus Pak can be eliminated if we are ready to suffer loss of a city(read 12 million if Mumbai + pushing back our economy by 40 years). Comaprisions with Israel is not right. They are against a group which doesn't possess Nukes.Its not that we dont have support of any other wetern power, including Russia.. we have everyone on our side. No country is interested in Paki's existence etc but are warning us only of partial decimation
Thu Oct 3 01:44:15 2002
Name:Vikram Chopra
Your Views:I couldn't agree more, we are a soft state indeed. Most of you wouldn't agree with me, but I believe what India needs is a strong military leader, to set things in order in terms of corruption, population control and poverty to name a few. Democracy has failed in India, not because it is a flawed system but because of its flawed application. When we have Laloos and Rabris as leaders, there is no hope of such a nation. Sure, there will be International condemnation, such as the one that followed after Musharaf took over. BUT WHO CARES. Though I hate this guy just as much as any other Indian but I think he deserves credit for what he is doing for his country. That is the key folks, we need a leader who is not interested just in next election or international opinion or coalition opinion; but who cares about national security and interest. No Indian leader has been courageous enough to be that. Unfortunately, no one will as long as there is democracy in India.
Thu Oct 3 01:52:17 2002
Your Views:Yes, we are a soft target and you guyz wanna know why we are not at war with anyone - bcoz there is so much of infighting and mistrust amongst us that everyone is scared as to whose side will each person go! there is fighting for even trivial matters like water and the most infamous subject called "Religion" how can we expect to stand as one nation against Pakistan let alone its allies! We talk and do nothing when it comes to a time for action all bcoz we are scared as to what other countries would say! trust me if India stands as one nation there is no way any nation in this world can destroy us or let alone touch us! even if there is a scenario where we have to die then be it lets die for the cause of our country and take pride in it that we did not give up!!!!!!
And as for you Rediff, I hope this time at least you will publish my views and all the media in the country will report the news in a mature way coz when there was this Hijacking @ Afghanistan the media role was pathetic instead of reporting and supporting the govt at such a time they misled people creating internal havoc at the capital! grow up india( politicians!) and stand for what you believe and go for it!!!!!
Thu Oct 3 01:59:05 2002
Your Views:Yes, we are a soft state, not because we haven't launched war, but rather we have not been able to save our citizens. Yes I am an NRI and yes here outside India, nations protect their citizens. India should do the same. And besides, India is a superpower, correct? So its time to flex muscle
Thu Oct 3 02:02:46 2002
Name:Bhavesh Patel
Your Views:We need Chanakya again.He was the one who removed the uprooted the grass from ground just because it hurt his legs. He believed in completely removing the cause of the wound before it starts giving you further pain. We need somebody who has that vision and determination. Nobody would dare to stand up against such a powerful leader. Today India is in a similar situation which Chanakya encountered. The country had been ravaged and threatened by Alexander and there were numerous petty kings looking after their own interests. The nationalistic pride had disappeared, and people were not proud or even aware of their ancestry. Chanakya appeared on the scene and united Bharat under the rule of Chandragupta Maurya. He was fearless, not afraid of death, disgrace or defeat. He is reported to have said that war is only a continuance of state policy by other means. The statesman's objective must always be the betterment of the State as a result of war and not the mere defeat and destruction of the enemy.' If we need to wage a war against Pakistan, and if that is what it needs to be done.. lets do it. Frankly, if its in the betterment of whole nation then why not eliminate Pakistan!
Thu Oct 3 02:11:49 2002
Name:Sharad Mohan
Your Views:India has always been a soft state till its pushed against the wall. We tolerate a 80 year old as our PM ,a big mouth but poor strategic planner as Home Minister,a so-called socialist as our Defence Minister and the Oppositions? well better not mentioned.. Country which has 3rd or 4th largest army with $70billion dollar of forex dosen't have counter strategy for ISI,they can't use these money? Change Your legal system make those lawyers and judges responsible for the mess, shoot them on the road who in the name of democracy drags the cases for 10-20 years, how many terrorists have been hanged after court verdict..Why?People have no business to ask them? These playing with words positions like constitutional posts should be abolished, what have they done,any justice delayed for 2-3 months hang all the lawyers and judge involved,they are incompetent or take away their registration..Have Phd scholars who has 5 years of extensive reachers on the subject make policy decision,have diff committes to deal with diff countries rather then your IAS officers who are very average and incompetent.How many of these people have been rewarded at international or even national level vis a vis techies?
Thu Oct 3 02:24:51 2002
Your Views:A soft state label is OK as long as we have our head stable right between our ears. A loser will try to do whatever it can because it has nothing to lose. If a dog bites you, you do not bite the dog.A proxy war can only be won by a reverse proxy war.I am sure Pashtunistan,Baluchistan,Sindh,Panjab are there to be liberated. Help the cause of the people there to help yourselves. Strike where it hurts most and when the gloves are off.Create a seperate unit under IB to accomplish the same objectives and code name "up yours".
Thu Oct 3 02:29:06 2002
Name:Mukundan Menath
Your Views:I will keep trying (to post here)...
I think India should stop begging and act on its own. There has to be a national vision to drive the politicians (not their personal interests). No one should take things for granted about India's affairs. Scorch their fingers!
Thu Oct 3 02:30:15 2002
Name:Ashish Gupta
Your Views:No we are not a soft state. If the messages on this board are an indicator, it tells me that people do have a strong feeling against the terrorists. The problem is that the terrorists look like common people, live like common people. People may feel India to be a soft state (one that does not retaliate), but that is not the case otherwise you'd have any Tom-Dick and Harry waging an open war with India. It is not so because other nations/societies know India's strength. The only problem is that in India, we usually take ages to decide on anything, then there is no central leadership, also we keep waiting for a miracle to happen and save us (mostly we wait for the Govt. to do something, or the USA to do something). Needless to say that we as a society need to correct ourselves if we are to be seen as a formidable force. Today if you look at the USA which is prone to terror strikes, not a single terror organization claims responsibility for any attack on the USA (for fear of retaliation). While in India, after each minor incident you'd have commander-in-cheif(s) of these terror groups addressing groups as if they've reached the moon. India needs to realize, action is needed now !!!
Thu Oct 3 02:40:31 2002
Name:Ajay Sawant
Your Views:It is quite unfair for the NRI Persons of Indian Origin to really voice their opinions and dictate the Government and People of India that we left behind in search of a different (not necessarily better) life. Afterall I/we do not live in India any more and no longer carry the Indian Nationality. However I would like to voice my opinion on the issue for the great friends that I left behind and have not seen for over 20 years. India and People of India are now cowards and certainly not losers. Softer may be due to cultural and religious upbringing. Polite definitely yes, after all Mahatma Gandhi taught us to turn another cheek, Unfortunately that was another era 55 years ago. We can not apply the same principles of protest and civil disobedience in the milleneum. Recent acts of terrorism in Gujrat result in a complete shut down of Mumbai. What does that send a message to the culprits whether foreign or domestic..we simply turning the other cheek. Instead people should unite, keep their ethnic and religious differences aside and fight back. That means increased vigilence in the community, complete cooperation to law enforcement, and fight back. Be proud of being Person of Indian Origin
Thu Oct 3 02:43:55 2002
Name:Anil Sharma
Your Views:War with pak is not an option!. Israel is a live example of this futile approach. Pak being a failed state has nothing to lose, instead we will be the biggest losers. A proxy war similar to what pak has unleashed should be undertaken proactively. The strategy would be to eventually break pak into insignificant bits which no longer form a threat to our nation - like we did to East Pak(now Bangladesh).
I am of the strong feeling that atleast one person from each family should be mandated to work in the armed forces. We lack a sense of unity and this appraoch will bring a sense of nationlism at large. Remember, that our objective is to win this battle while continuing to prosper and develop. A full fledged war will only make things worse. Our current set of politicians by and large understand the futility of going to war but are not bold enough to engineer a Kargil like operation on pak.
Remember, this issue is going to take long to resolve but the most impt aspect is to show unity. Unity is Strength, we have dispalyed this in the past and need to continue to do so in the future.God Bless India
Jai Hind!
Thu Oct 3 02:56:54 2002
Name:Ashok Chokalingam
Your Views:The enemy will not come to a halt without getting what he wanted and seems to be determined. Let us acept the fact that we are not capable of protecting ourself. We wanted to and will live with people of all the religions. We want to live with peace and Harmony. We are pushing hard to become a developed nation. Any one who lives in India is an Indian and there is no role for Religion in that. So, irrespective of the religion, whoever tries to destruct the peace and democracy should be hanged. We need a leader who has the vision to build a greater India. We do not give value to human lives- thanks to the population. Here in Britain, two girls were missing a month ago. The whole media, star sports persons like David Beckam were behind the search and put a lot of pressure on police. This is an example how people perceives humans. The attack on Akshardham temple is a by-product of Religionism. Unless people realise the value of Human beings or We have determination to punish the culprits behind the violence it is impossible to stop this 'stupidism'- I say.
Thu Oct 3 02:56:54 2002
Your Views:India is a state with plenty !! Indians do not know what they possess, and how they can become a super power. Democracy in India is the best thing to have happened, and the brand of politicians, we elect are not worth running the country. Every Indian has a moral responsibility to make this nation a paradise, but all we do is spit and shit. I do not like to blame people for what they do, but I feel that just before taking any step, it is imporatant to realise that it is the most just thing to do. And this realisation comes from education. Education upto a certain level should be mandatory as also implementing the national language Hindi. Every task should be completed in Hindi, with the option of doing it in any other language of choice. The media in India is biased, and should protect the rights of the country by appropriate censors. Also, the judiciary system needs a re-vamp, immediate justice based on prior case history, can help. It is time, India made an about turn, and face the world as a force to reckon with. It has the future, the potential and the brains to be a super power, all it has to do is just channlise its resources in the proper direction. Jai Hind !! Vande Mataram !
Thu Oct 3 03:27:06 2002
Your Views:Hi All,
I wonder sometimes that we'd not paid the right price for our independence and hence we don't really appreciate the meaning of freedom and democracy.Had every family lost a soul in the cause of Freedom, the situation today may have been different.War is always hard to deal with.But sometimes there is nothing left but to fight the enemy.There is another enemy within ourselves "Ignorance and Corruption" we always ignore this or get carried away by the speeches of our "Leaders" who know very well how to make fools of us. So first, if we say why wait for world's approval to attack Pak, I would say why to expect the politicians to do good for our country let us all try and contribute our own little to the cause of Education, not just teaching to read and write, but the real education which provokes one to reason between good and bad, just and unjust.Which teaches the importance of Unity, freedom, democracy.Today's education is mainly perceived as a tool to get into high ranking positions (remember the corrupt officers we face everyday) or earn money. We all know what happens if we send our kids to school with this outlook, we are making more shit for future.so Watchout!
Thu Oct 3 03:37:59 2002
Your Views:my view is this: 1. India needs to have a strategy to encounter terrorism, it is any one's guess to figure out if it currently has such things in place. It can be pre-emption, counter-intelligence etc..
2. If India needs to grow economically and politically as a strong state, it needs to shed its cowardice. This means to stop giving emotional speeches when people die but to do something about it. not sure what, why do we have military generals for? they should provide strategies and ideas, right?
Thu Oct 3 03:58:41 2002
Your Views:We are not cowards. no body wants to do anything;
we should hold the govt a.k.a the prime minister ( one point of contact) accountable for these things; they must 1.seal & patrol the border;
2.scrutinize activities of all groups/gangs inside the country;
3.take action on those groups inside the country , who are involved in activities against the country; a.k.a implement POTA as mandatory to all states;
4. Make law & increase the punishement/penalty for every crime;
Thu Oct 3 04:06:33 2002
Name:Raj Radhakrishnan
Your Views:NRIs ranting eh! I am an NRI. I usually rant bout low productivity in India zzz (r u there). About India, being a Soft state State I don't plan to rant. Since, I am not in India or am not doing anything to alleviate the situation, I don't plan to give a diatribe on how politicians should act. Why are we even having this forum on "what NRIs think" Nobody gives a sh*t for an NRI view. The issue is terrorism, not an NRI's view. If Pak is haven to all our outlaws, it is coz' Pak is short-sighted. They'll have a problem in their hands b4 long. Let's leave the NRIs alone and focus on our strengths. As a civilization, we have had our peaks. Now, we are a nation in poverty. We can't just blame our leaders and Pak for everything. Once we have a decent std of living for our people, we will worry about pride. National pride is not tangible, Poverty is! As for Pak, even if we spend 1/10th of our defense budget, it is enough to recruit 100 times more jehadis in Pak to fight against Pak! I am sure our leaders have thought about it. We are just being decent. I have shared this view before - Wars are only fought over real estate, money, or oil. There is no jehad. Convince me of one.
Thu Oct 3 04:11:59 2002
Your Views:The government is wise to think twice before attacking another country, because then it could be subject to sanctions or other types of embargos. Unless there is the direct blessing or bias of a superpower, attcking another country would just create too many problems. This is just an international diplomatic problem. The solution is only to create a good border patrol by spraying some tracer (harmless) chemical in the borders, so that anyone who comes across can be easily identified by special equipment carried by police and security. Then they can be asked for their ids, and if it is someone innocent like an Indian soldier back from border duty, they are off the hook. Any illegal person gets caught. Higher vigilance and use of technology to nab potential terrorists is the only solution.
Thu Oct 3 04:14:11 2002
Name:Jason D'Silva
Your Views:I feel it's about time that we stop getting on our knees and pleading in front of the world about those damn terroist and get out there and kick some bloody ass and show the world that we aint taking any shit no more.
Thu Oct 3 04:33:01 2002
Your Views:Correct. I agree with Neelu -neelumohanty@rediffmail.com. We are ruled by a bunch of greedy and self greedy and more greedy politicians who spare no occassion to loot the public money and fillup their coffers. That is the most important reason why we are loosers. Because of this corruption, the terrorists are able to bribe people, get fake passports, sneak into the country from various locations, smuggle narcotics and guns into the country and in general do whatever they want.
Get rid of corrupt netas and the country will be fearless and strong again. Today since the netas are corrupt they are themselves cowards. They are serving only themselves - when Rubiya was kidnapped India bent on its knees to seek her release, whereas when a soldier is killed - the netas make money on their coffins !
Thu Oct 3 05:00:01 2002
Your Views:Coming of india's youth.
I believe that the ultimate solution for bringing in the winds of change is this--- prevent the good-for-nothing old bag of bones politicians from holding power. What we need is young blood with a vision & deep patriotism. That will come from other Indian youth like me who want to win back India's potential golden future. We need the Indian youth to demand back the proud nation which is truly is their heritage. The older generations can be the channeling factor by helping with their expertise. Meanwhile, let us all pray for a future in which we have miracles to report about our country--- one day maybe we will join hands to finally fight for the true legacy ....The legacy of a country that was proud enough to fight for its independence from foreign shackles, but is not showing its dignity and resolve in fighting the enemies within...we are not a soft country...we are a country that has forgotten when to be hard...
Thu Oct 3 05:26:45 2002
Your Views:hi, when supporting causes of india, i dont see any muslims or cristians supporting, the other day there was black flags flying for the slain terrorist immam ali, muslims should support their nation more than thier religion , we have supported the tibetans we have given them seperate place in dharmasala, dalai lama is in exile in india, he has got lots of support and voice all over the world , he also is not supporting us, in fact he was critical about our kashmir affairs , that is the state of india.
Thu Oct 3 05:34:05 2002
Your Views:Before we declare war on Pakistan, we, the Indian citizens should declare war against our third rated politicians and get rid of them first. It's because of them we are in such a sorry state. Lte's cleanse ourselves first, before we cleanse the Pakis...
Thu Oct 3 05:51:18 2002
Your Views:Why blame pakisthan, let us blame our-self. Politicians should stop the "blame game". Let us have a national concess on "terriorism". Fix legal issue. Fix loopholes!! Let us learn good idea on legal issues from other countries.
Thu Oct 3 06:23:46 2002
Your Views:Neither are we a bunch of jokers nor are we cowards. If we were a super power like USA we could have blamed Bangladesh, Maldives or some other country 1/10th the size of us and attack them. But since we are not we cannot go ahead with that approach. What did USA do when Khomeini held them hostage for 1 year. No nation has gone through that in human history.
During Cuban missile crisis they reached a back door agreement with Kruschev and saved their faces. They got kicked by Vietnam a country which is less than 1/4th the size of USA What did USA do when the Somali's killed their soldiers and dragged them throught the streets Nothing!!!!! Does that make USA a soft state? No!
But you know what, every American who lost their lives is a hero No matter whether he accomplished something or not. This is where we differ from them
Our press is always against the establishment. But in USA the press always supports the President. If they cannot they keep quiet. A lot has to be done on the way the press approaches the national issues and the thinking line of people
Thu Oct 3 06:33:03 2002
Your Views:Well we are soft..definitely....and i agree with all those that its easy to say things sitting cosily from our seats...and yes! war never solves anything...what has israel achieved? has the violence stopped....psychology tells us that if we constantly live in a specific environment we become used to it ...same hsa applied to palestine...the people there have become desensitized to death...they are not shocked..cos they see it everyday...and consequently many of them haved stopped fearing death...and this is what makes them dangerous...all our efforts in life are to live comfotrably..to survive...our instinct is to live...take that instinct away and you become suicidal...a man who doesnot fear death is a man to be afraid of...cos he doesnt care....and thats whats happening....same applies to poverty and suffering in India...we are not shocked ..cos we see it around us..all the time...our heart doesnot feel the compassion needed to feed a hungry soul....violence leads to more violence unless the more enlightened ones choose not to respond violently..and all those who dont think twice before criticizing Gandhiji...just take a pause and think....u owe a lot to him...Jai Hind!
Thu Oct 3 06:36:51 2002
Name:Aishwarya Kumar
Your Views:It's simply amazing to me the number of people who've posted messages supporting war with Pakistan. I guess as humans we love to see destruction, which is nothing but sadistic. How many of these people have stopped to think what the costs of war will be? Who will suffer? Only the family of those who're actually fighting. But how many of us care for the families of soldiers. Seems not many if one reads the comments on this message board. But for one moment, put yourself in their shoes. Will you still be happy (and enthusiastic about war) if your dad/brother/husband/boyfriend has to go fight and runs the risk of losing his life. Death is inevitable in war. And think of how much resource (money, capital, natural resources) a nation loses on going to war. What did India accomplish through Kargil? Did cross-border terrorism stop? What did the US accomplish by bombing Afghanistan? Newspapers say Al-Qaeda is still active. An eye for an eye is just gonna leave the entire world blind. We also need to keep in mind that both India and Pakistan claim to possess nukes,and if they're used, the effects would be much more colossal today than Hiroshima was. War definitely shouldn't be the way out.
Thu Oct 3 07:24:46 2002
Your Views:India stands almost alone amongst the nations of the world in that it's birth was non-violent and based on human values.
Despite suffering almost continuously at the hands of religious zealots and opportunitsic warmongers for the past 55 years, India has not retaliated in anger, with violence, in a pre-emptive attack on another sovreign nation.
I think that this is India's greatest strength. Pakistan will die a pathetic death in due time. It's reason for existence, that Muslims have no home in India, is an increasingly invalid theory. There is no reason for India to sully its good name in this vain fight. To have survived, as a multi-polar, multi-religious, multi-lingual representative democracy in a region where the concept of universal suffrage is consistently spit upon is no small feat. Just give the bastards next door enough rope to go and hang themselves. They will do so. Spectacularly. India will rise as strong as she once was soon.
Thu Oct 3 07:38:39 2002
Your Views:I dont understand one thing - maybe a head-to-head war will be disastrous, but what is the problem with the government sanctioning a couple of 'black ops'. If these ops target the jihadis in their home turf, it will sow some fear into them, and drive the fear of God into their heart. Sure, we will lose some men, but, then as some great man said - 'The largest good for the largest many'. This is the kind of decimation that will be the most effective policy against militancy. Would you join an organisation whose leaders keep getting killed every week ? A resounding no.
Thu Oct 3 08:00:08 2002
Your Views:We are not a nation of cowards, neither are we soft. Two hostile neighbours have been trying to break our will for 50 years, have they succeeded? In fact our resolve has become firmer. We are in the process of building a nation out of a deeply fragmented society,where everyone owed his allegiance to his feudal lord. We have almost succeeded. Look at the "can do" mentality of the youth of today. Not long from now we will standup as a nation and those call us soft will eat their words!
Thu Oct 3 08:03:58 2002
Your Views:General Mush. has opened a suggestion box requesting ideas how to provoke India. He says he has tried every trick and nothing seems to wake Kumbakarna (India). According to him his country men are going to kill him if does not provoke India very soon.
Thu Oct 3 08:28:25 2002
Your Views:going back to our history,our country was the land of warriors,scholars and great rulers who preferred to live in dignity or rather die.now the current india is just a luaghing stock.we should have attack pakistan when ind n pak didn't had nuclears,now if anything happens it will be very destructive though pak will be wiped out of the the map world map but then india will be suffer tremendously.we lost the golden oppertunity to attack pak long time back.all the credits goes to our so called leaders who are misleading their own people through communal rite for their own political goals.pak takes advantage just cos our leaders incapable of making tough decisions we shud also start sending mercerneries to pak(what say u all people????)or turn the whole of jk into militarised zone i mean no civilians.in that way terrorist will stop crossing the border os it will cost them too much battle with the entire miltary comunity,thus it will frustrate the pak regime.though i dont trust the leaders that much but i have full confident on our indian army.we may lose cricket with pak but not wars they know it too.
Thu Oct 3 08:34:39 2002
Your Views:Should we be comparing ourseleves with any other country or leadership. We should be comparing ourselves with ourselves 10 years ago. Have we achieved anything? Look at all the positves. Don't look at things narrowly and pinpoint on one particular issue. Taking all the above into consideration, India is doing good. All it need is people who can forget
the past and be in the present and take the initiative to be friendly to each other - We know the famous line on the 1st page of the text book - "All Indians are my Brothers and Sisters" . Follow what your heart says in terms of doing good. Do not hear yourself when you have something evil in your mind like anger(hatred), lust and greed. This has been said time and again. Will we ever learn to remember it or just be selfish about our lives. In America, there is a concern for others life because they see only their country as the whole World and the rest of the world as that which is of second preference. We have nothing new to do. Just be wise and learn from those who are successful today. - no don't immitate - just be as passionate as they are and do no loose hope. That is the road to being happy - no not rich(rich = not happy)
Thu Oct 3 08:48:43 2002
Name:Rudy Colbert
Your Views:It ain't about the NRI. It is about the jokers who
are elected as leaders. A former 'alleged' terrorist for a defense minister. An old man who can hardly keep his eyes open for Prime leader. An interchangable fake leaders for Finance and Foreign affairs! An IT minister who can't see past Version 1.0! A religious fanatic for sports minister. This can go on and on about leaders of every province in India. No media exposure about Gandhi, Patel, Vinobha, Nehru but whole lot of half naked whores (media
darlings) draping the colors of India. Times they are a changin .. India will be like .. ? No, like Indians, its soft, hard, half naked, masked terrorists, like hungry children, like riding fast car, running over people, but it ain't about NRI (Not Really Indians). I don't think so, Its all about how todays Indians are in this world not just in homeland India. So, go on drink up and loosen up, relax, watch the stars, India will be there for another 10,000 years soft, hard, jelly like..Its not going anywhere like Yugoslavia!
Trade Kashmir for Clean Air!!
Thu Oct 3 08:59:08 2002
Your Views:We should close down the parliament, and ask every other MP to group themselves and get back to their constituency and conduct a peace march, bringing the two sects (all sects) together and create harmony. My guess the only way to stop any of this happening is to get the people together.
Our MP's have no other job than getting this done as priority... we should not transact any business in Parliament before we make this big effort to get back to people and create confidence... i don't think there is any other way to solve this problem. War is not an end to these problems, we should take that as more of an defensive option than any other way. Get our leaders (so called) to come down to earth and focus on these things. Both President and the PM should start this process... and it can be done. Indian Society still has lot of heart which can do wonders.
President and PM : should consider this as a new amendment legally, and MP's who are not going to do this job, will be removed of their seats. Afterall they are chosen by the people to whom they aree idebted to provide social security and peace.Jai Hind!!!
Thu Oct 3 09:22:02 2002
Name:Tarun Seam
Your Views:From outside looking in, India sure looks pitifully 'soft'. How else could one explain the audacity of a regressive banana republic like Pakistan to corner India for decades on end, after losing war after war. The fact is that but of India, Pakistan would have long dissolved as a nation state. Pakistani society at-large has only one glue that binds them - hate for India. Even Jinnah, a professed secularist and British-socialist, regreted the creation of a fundamentalist Islamic society soon after the partition. India's age-old ethos of non-violence, forgiveness and reselience could work against the British, but have miserably failed against a determined monolithic aggressor on a suicidal path. Short of self-destructing, a military+mullah dominated and nuclear-armed Pakistan will never reform (even under extreme intimidation and economic deprivation) and, therefore, there is no solution to Kashmir but war. The Islamic Pakistani creed of Jihadi has ambitions beyond Kashmir - to fragment and dominate India. Vested interests, like the US and China, prop up Pakistan just to keep India pinned down and not break out as a dominant power. The sooner India deals with Pakistan the better.
Thu Oct 3 10:06:24 2002
Your Views:Political bickering & the increasingly eroding & corrupt political community has made us farcical clowns. We the masses are to be blamed for electing such piles of rubbish. Now that we are a soft state, I wish we all melt so that a new Identity is born which is clean, healthy, vitalised, strong & progressive.
Thu Oct 3 10:13:56 2002
Your Views:Yes we are. Look at the people who are at the
helm of things, they are all from the Hindu upper caste who have clerical atitude in their blood. A man who makes living from the land will have self respect, never begs or compromises. Fear is never known to a warrior man. These people who are running our government have none of these qualities. These people bring their cheap survival tactics to the table in every front and
in the end never earning respect. Hindusim for unification!, homogeneous society! Get over with this. These are contradicting goals, Hinduism is based on
division and degrading its own set of people and has been done for last 2000 years or so. In Hinduism it is 'self' which comes first, it is neither society or nation. Religion always moulds ones thinking. Hey now in the world we are well known as 'soft'-ware developers. But not in any other worth mentioning field.
Thu Oct 3 10:20:11 2002
Your Views:Raja dose'nt have balls, nor do the praja.
So it isn't surprising that even the puny little bangladesh dares to sent militants to india & even change the demographic setup of an entire state/states.
Thu Oct 3 10:41:20 2002
Name:Nilothpaul Dutta
Your Views:"NRIs are up to their usual rantings..."
So NRI's make no sense? It is annoyingly sad to see a Great Nation bleed by professing patience and do little about inefficiencies. No one wants bloodshed as a solution. But a patient nation does not mean one with crippled self- defense. Forget Kashmir, how long will it take to nab Mr. Veerappan?
'Had been watching BBC world in Paris: A British journalist talking to an American counterpart seemed to have a strong case of India being victim of terrorism. A swift reply came from US quoting a prominent Hindu gentleman from Orissa who, publicly in USA, accused the Indian government of being a terrorist one. Democracy and free speech is all very good, but due to instances like these, often people outside do not take India seriously. NRIs are respected for the work they do at their work places. Few have much to lose here as dedicated hard workers. But unnecessary demeaning of our origin makes our softness obvious.
Thu Oct 3 10:52:05 2002
Your Views:The NRI's are correct. India should counter violence with violence. India is seen the world over as a country that gets slapped around by Pakistan. Their ISI is deadly while our RAW is bullshit. They have a smart media-savvy President, we have a pathetic senile tottering old poet as our PM. The smart Gen. Musharraf is outsmarting the poetic Vajpayee. Indian politicians are Hijras.
Thu Oct 3 10:59:27 2002
Name:Reader from Dallas
Your Views:Blaming the politicians is like blaming all the citizens -- the ones who voted for them and the ones who did not show up for voting. We (are supposed to) elect the politicians -- we should take responsibility for their actions or get them out of their offices in the next elections. The fact is that most politicians, especially the bad ones get relected over and over. Having said that, I must also add that the lack of education is a very important cause. People do not know their responsibilities and rights and some corrupt 'goondas' end up getting the chairs.
All indians need to stand up and say "It is my problem that the power is in hand of bad politicians" -- wake up my countrymen, we do not live in Iraq or Pakistan, we belong to India -- democracy works, we just need to participate!
Be responsible citizens and things should take care of themselves -- sit on the sidelines and cry and you will be a loser!
Thu Oct 3 11:02:13 2002
Your Views:The problem is not being hard or soft. The main problem is that India today does not have strong leadership. There is no single person who can take charge. All our leaders are fighting with each other. The real issues are in the back burner.
Thu Oct 3 11:04:08 2002
Name:Seyed Abdulkareem
Your Views:"The more we blame others, the more we forget how we are conducting ourselves"
Thu Oct 3 11:08:29 2002
Your Views:evryone keeps talking about 'coward' leadership and how people must elect better leaders. more than 3/4 of the people who vote don't know how or where their next meal is coming from - do you think they give a shit to what happens in J&K or Gujarat? First give food and shelter to our people - then we can think about 'attacking' our enemies. Beggars can't be choosers and beggar nations can't fight back
Thu Oct 3 11:14:28 2002
Your Views:Follow the Isreal example. Isreal is such a small country compared to India but look at how they have hitback at Terror.It is no easy task but if you dont hit back you suffer even more. We have lost enough lifes with Pakistani Terror. It is time for Indian Leaders to take on a two pronged approach --Curb terror within --Attack Pakistan. If Pakistan is Nuclear capable so are we. Does Pakistan not know that we can inflict enough damage to them then what do we fear? We cannot look to US or UK or any other country.... they are all busy making the best out for themselves. They have no love for India. No doubt they condemn Terror and that is it.
Thu Oct 3 11:22:13 2002
Your Views:Wonder why we don't call the terrorists as "Terrorists", but instead come with the words "Militants", "Ultras", "Seperatists" etc. To top it off ToI calls them "Misguided Youth". I'd squarely place the blame on the English Media for not calling the Terrorists as such.
There is a world of difference between the words "Terrorists" and "Militants". We legitimise them by calling them militants. Our English media uses these words interchangably thinking that they are one and the same. We are not only a soft state but very poor at media management. Not a single newspaper in the US sneezes about the killings in J&K and the terrorist attack at the temple. On the other hand, Pakistan says the guy who killed christians in Pakistan is a RAW agent and it's front page news.
Interviews of Lodi (Paki Ambassador to the US) and Mush are regular features in CNN and other news media, and both are good speakers. Compare that to our Ambassdor who stutters and stammers more than a vintage Ambassdor car.
How many times can you say "We are losing patience". How many "Last times and last warnings". It's becoming a farce. We give empty threats, and no one would take us seriously.
Thu Oct 3 11:28:52 2002
Your Views:Antinational Forces
We have three major antinational forces operating in India:(1) Leftist fundamentalism masquerading as secularism (2) Media, much of whose activities border on traitorous behavior (3) Organised and well financed Fundamentalist Ideologies: Islam and to a lesser account Christianity We need a benevolent and capable dictator such as Shivaji Maharaj who freed much of India..from Cuttack to Attock. From Tanjore to Pune.
Thu Oct 3 11:53:01 2002
Name:Niraj Sinha
Your Views:Soft and Hard attitude comes in country depending on economy power and that's make country attitude soft or hard mode. Why all country looks towards US and need their blessing even if that blessing goes for both( Pakistan & India).I hope, one day, both Pakistan and India will understand that US is having more interest of own than for us. Politics of each other countries and ofcourse US has spread lots of hate between human being of India and Pakisatan and this main issues had shadowed a lots of other important issues for both countries which is stopping both country to shine on world.
People sitting on top in India are not fool and they know exactly what will happened if war broken. One thing i always surprise, why we Indian always under-rate our country, when Indian are holding lots of key positions in world in various places. The day every Indian feel proud to be Indian and giving some thing back to country, we will not be having to tell others our problem, but we will be forcing others ( Like US ), how to solve their problem.
Hope, we knows how one can contribute for strengthening India?????
Thu Oct 3 12:00:53 2002
Your Views:indian politicians are there to foster their own ends rather than help the people who have chosen to represent them. so maybe it is not a question of cowardice but selfishness.
Thu Oct 3 12:02:26 2002
Name:Venugopal B.A
Your Views:An eye for an eye will only end up making the whole world blind
Thu Oct 3 12:03:59 2002
Your Views:It aint abt being soft or hard.It just so happens that we have much to loose , unlike our enemy, who being a failed state , will like nothing more than the same happening to us. Unfortunately they have their so called "Brothers" , who will oblige them with logistical support. U see , nationality is no big deal.
Thu Oct 3 12:53:20 2002
Your Views:May be we are. But don't compare.We know what we are. Why blame others. Attacking someone else will not solve the problem. Just think about what happend at Rajadhani exp accident in bihar. Railway police were snatching things from wounded people instead of rescuing them. How Abu Salem got his passport and got it delivered to a non-existing address.Ofcourse we are all part of it in someway or the other. I will not be surprised if some one finds that Laden is here in Delhi. How many of us did take driving test to get a DL. How many of us will go to a polling booth on an election day. So what do we want? We know the answer. We don't know. We don't need a dictator. The way that you are thinking because you are in India. It is the power of freedom. We need to discipline renegades with stringent laws and not take away freedom from law abiding citizens. Just think about it. Think about it every minute. Start following rules and encourage othes. May be we will be a much better nation tomorrow. Jai Hind!
Thu Oct 3 12:53:46 2002
Name:Ms. D
Your Views:It was pathetic to see the snap of sad and lonely Subedar Gokul Singh at the function to honour the hero of the nation. I wish people out in the country wakes up now or it will be too late. Although it is not wrong to say that, "Passing years only ensure grey hair not experience."
The political leaders are ofcourse not going to help anybody at all. The citizens will have to do it collectively leaving aside their personal interests.
Thu Oct 3 12:55:15 2002
Your Views:India is a country that never learnt their lessons from past deeds. When we take a step forward immediately we take two steps back. Instead a taking a decisive action against terrorism or in that case any antinational activities we come out with goodwill gestures against their mentors. After Lahore we were responded with Kargil and after Agra we got were awarded with a attack on our Parliament the heart and soul of our democracy. Still we have not learnt, we stopped overflight facilities to withdraw it soon as a good will gesture for which now we are responded with Akshardham attack. And above all they are still a MFN country to us, they are living on our water ----Oh ! God they have all the reason on earth to laugh at us. They know by now that, our leaders talk of decisive battle is only for domestic consumptions and not for real action. Alas !!!!! we are so soft and unrealistic. Wish we take a leaf out of Israel and American's in that matter.
may god give our leaders courage and will to end this menace on humanity as a whole and to we indians in particular.
Thu Oct 3 12:57:49 2002
Your Views:We have ourselves to blame for what we are in now.Using conventional weapons,we could have won any war with Pakistan hands down.Now we are the nuclear power and thereby forced Pakistan to become another nuclear power.We ought to be ashamed at being spoken in the same breath as Pakistan.It is clear,we can not wage a war with Pakistan without risking our development. Pakistan may be removed from world map,but our economy will be thrown decades back.How many of us are really ready to lose our jobs and security by going to a war with Pakistan? No,the option of war has been removed when we became nuclear power.These days I have started to wonder whether we will cause an unrest in our hitherto impeccably disciplined army cadres. Many of our soldiers are dying in Kashmir and we still don't have any plans to combat millitants in a better way! Two terrorists and one DySP killed?Why the hell should one DySP be killed?What the F*** are our intelligence agencies like RAW doing? Our army and police should not be used as "human walls" against millitants.We should get them trained better and provide modern weaponery, instead of flying in and out of US looking for support!Yes, We have to fight our war!
Thu Oct 3 13:22:03 2002
Name:Mohammed Yunus K.
Your Views:The very problem lies in the dirty political games that our politicians embroil their motherland in and to a certain extent are the cause of all our sorrows. Personally, I feel dumping all the bloody cowardly politicians in the Bay Of Bengal is the best solution. Those cowards who would sell their mothers and sisters for money won't have any moral feeling when such a thing happens. It's always the common man who suffers. always. period.
Thu Oct 3 13:48:15 2002
Your Views:Yes we are a bunch of losers and nation of cowards! When a group of people could not save the modesty of a girl in a local train at Mumbai from clutches of a Single rapist, I think it is too much of us to think the so called leaders will protect the modesty of their Mother (India) from the rapist called Pakistan.It has been proved beyond doubt that it is we alone who fhas to fight tooth for tooth. The US and UK are just providing lip services and not with intention of helping us. As far as US is concerned there is no law governing to its actions. When its couple of miltary personnels were butchered in Libya it raged a war with it. When its 6000 and odd people died in WTC it raged a war against Taliban in Afganistan. When our millions of people are being killed by pakistan every year US dosen't have right to preach us for restraint. Also the leaders must not consult now and then with US for the action. It is now the time to aake up and prove to the world "we are not bunch of cowards but a country having a solid backbone.
Have you posted your views?