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Sri Lanka: Does peace have a chance?
Why is the Nobel Peace Prize committee ignoring the Mahatma?
What kind of equality puts the narrow economic
interests of the already wealthy ahead of the survival of a person?

'If you hurt him, Inder would not hold it against you'
Ayya, the man who lost out
People who occupy positions of power should be like sanyasis
'Moopanar is not a petty-minded person. He will not indulge
in blackmail and he is a good manager of men'

'Rahul Gandhi will come into the limelight soon and
rescue the Congress'

In today's fractured polity, the BJP alone
satisfies the craving for a stable and strong government

Then arose in the country a crisis the like of
which no previous President had ever faced

'Why would anyone abroad be interested in the book?
I am not very well educated. So it's not as though I am like
Salman Rushdie or Vikram Seth'

'Christopher Lee playing Jinnah is like Mukri playing Gandhi'
NAM: Is it still relevant?
'We came together to save secularism not because
we wanted to be in power'

Being once a physicist has somehow limited Rajendra Singh
from injecting new life into the RSS

'In politics there are moments when you have to rise
to the occasion and you've got to cater to the need
of the hour and the pleas of the people'

For India and Pakistan, building a mature dialogue
will take the political will to look ahead instead of backwards

'The RSS could well end up as a vast bureaucracy
if it does not meet its end before that'

India needs Iran's friendship in its efforts
to normalise relations with Pakistan

If modern man is still grabbling with Dolly, our ancestors
did even the 'reverse DNA' centuries earlier

'For the first time India looks less like a tortoise and
more like a tiger'

The Battle for Kashmir
The New Outcastes
Bananas, bread-fruit, lush countryside and revolution
The Indian war hero who stood up to the Nazis
Farooq, Ajatshatru are defying nation's integrity
The need for tax reform
'India needs to act now to ensure it too reaps the full rewards
from the globalisation process'

The Ransom Industry
The Congress approach is to gain power by hook or crook.
They are ready to align with anybody to come to power.

Indo-US ties: Benign neglect and continued pressure?
Rajiv Gandhi favoured Bofors, says ex-JPC member
'What India today needs is secular education'
'Anything less than a stable and prosperous
Pakistan will jeopardise your security'

A Wedding in the Family
'We have to fight fascist tendencies within us'
We should respond to Nawaz Sharif positively, but without any
expectation of achieving tangible results

Surviving Men
Pandit Nehru: A streak of Gay?
'Yesterday's answers -- nationalism, protectionism and the
search for new enemy-images -- will not help
us solve tomorrow's problems'

Has peace a chance in Punjab?
He has never cared to hog the limelight. Quite to the contrary,
the limelight keeps hogging him.

'We will show the world that Indian women are not helpless
human beings, but are capable of doing what no liberated modern
Western woman has ever dared to do'

A human tragedy
'Hindu cosmology's time-scale for the universe
is in consonance with modern science'

Wolpert's below-the-belt attack on Nehru
'To meet the problems of customers, is it necessary to invite
private firms into the insurance sector?'

January 18, 1977
Samant had lousy timing. He uncannily chose times of
recession to take the workers on a strike.

In the experience of blue-collared men,
he remained the only trade union leader who put
workers before politics

'Was it the Shiv Sena that divided this country?'
Bombay's dazzling drag parties go on, but beneath that gaiety,
lurks a tragedy in the making

Indians anxious about Chinese takeover of Hong Kong
I told Rajiv I had no love for office or power, recalls Zail Singh
'India has no future. Sometimes I feel my life is a failure.'
Who can change the party's image is the real challenge before the Congress
'If we ignore the long-term good of society,
we will only invite harm upon ourselves'

The Seshan Legacy
The many homes of Sasikala Natarajan
The Battle for Bangladesh
'Tanks, planes and even nuclear weapons do not provide
a group of nations with true security'

Will the United Front government last?
China, India and Southeast Asia after the Cold War
Fifty years later: What hope for India?
The Great Leap Forward
Mother Teresa, Angel of Hope

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