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India Abroad

Updated: 18 June, 2009

The most emailed reports, features and slideshows in the past 24 hours.

Yesterday's top emailed links | Current Issue

Exercise your way to 6-pack abs
Biki Bora, Muay Thai instructor and fitness trainer, in the second part of the series shows you more four ab tricks from his repertoire.
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Falafels and other tasty tiffin recipes
Learn how to prepare Falafels, Stuffed Brinjal Konkan-style and Bread Besan Bhajji for your office tiffin.
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Marriage and money: What not to do
What young, married couples should do to avoid problems when it comes to money.
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CAT: 10 myths busted
help students clear some of the myths and misunderstanding surrounding the CAT, here are 10 'myths' explained.
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Want a better career? Try these tips
Have a query regarding your career? Maybe we can help. Drop us a line and our expert, Amit Bansal, will answer it. Please write to us at with the subject line 'Career query for Amit Bansal.
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Understanding debt market basics: VI
Anticipating interest rate movements can help you make money when you invest in bonds or banks' fixed deposits.
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9 great tips from stock market masters
Those who lack discipline, persistence and self-confidence lose the never-ending challenge of trading profits.
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The top 10 challenges for India
In its Global Economics Paper, Goldman Sachs Economic Research has outlined ten crucial steps that India must take to achieve its full potential.
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Writing in the air: Next mobile revolution
An Indian professor-led team at Duke University have created a application that allows mobile phone users to write on thin air!
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Most memorable nude scenes
Here's a quick look at ten truly memorable scenes from Hollywood.
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Yesterday's top emailed links | Current Issue

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